Water helps remove waste from the body and serves many other functions. However, what few people know is that mineral water can bring many health benefits to the heart, according to the health website Healthline (UK).
Mineral water may help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease
Mineral water comes in two forms: natural and synthetic. Natural mineral water is taken from underground springs, while synthetic mineral water is distilled water or water that has been bubbled with CO2 and processed through a filter. As a result, the water will contain essential minerals such as potassium, magnesium, sodium, calcium or phosphorus.
Although natural and synthetic mineral waters differ in their mineral content, both are rich in calcium, carbonate, sulfate, magnesium, and potassium. Research suggests that these mineral components may reduce some risk factors associated with cardiovascular problems. In a study published in the journal BMC Public Health , researchers analyzed the relationship between blood pressure and drinking water fortified with magnesium or natural mineral waters.
High blood pressure is a risk factor for heart disease. In a four-week study, scientists divided 70 people with high blood pressure into three groups. The first group drank water with low mineral concentrations, while the second and third groups drank magnesium-supplemented water and natural mineral water, respectively.
The results showed that blood pressure was significantly reduced in those who drank mineral water. Lower blood pressure also means a lower risk of heart disease. Not stopping there, some other studies have also shown that mineral water helps improve cardiovascular health in healthy adults, not just those with high blood pressure, according to Healthline.
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