Writing in the scientific journal Nutrients, a group of authors from Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine (Japan) said that coffee consumption habits may be associated with significantly lower visceral fat ratios in both men and women.
Unlike subcutaneous fat, visceral fat surrounds the abdominal organs deep inside the body.
One of the hallmarks of visceral fat is a large, "beer belly"-like waistline. The risk of visceral fat increases with age and alcohol consumption.
The habit of drinking coffee in the morning can bring unexpected benefits. Illustration photo from the Internet
Visceral fat has been shown to increase the risk of serious health problems including heart disease, Alzheimer's, type 2 diabetes, stroke, and more.
However, Japanese researchers have come up with an extremely attractive solution: Drink coffee and eat bread in the morning.
They looked at data from more than 3,500 people, including more than 1,200 men and 2,300 women.
Results showed that the rate of visceral obesity was about 24% lower and the rate of metabolic syndrome was about 30% lower in people who regularly drank morning coffee.
Interestingly, the risk reduction increased to 45% and 41%, respectively, in those who consumed coffee with bread for breakfast.
However, later research showed that the value of bread was only because people who often ate bread in the morning often liked to eat it with a cup of coffee, so they drank their morning coffee more regularly or drank more.
Overall, the effects of reducing visceral obesity and reducing indicators related to metabolic syndrome were due to coffee.
Metabolic syndrome is a condition characterized by at least 2 of 5 factors: abdominal obesity, high total cholesterol, high LDL cholesterol, high triglycerides, low HDL cholesterol.
Coffee's miraculous effects on visceral fat and metabolic syndrome are attributed to the bioactive compounds inside this beverage: Caffeine, polyphenol compounds including chlorogenic acid.
These are excellent antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds that help balance the body's energy, lose weight, and especially reduce belly fat in general.
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