Millions of people around the world drink coffee, but few people know that this beverage can also support liver function, helping to reduce the risk of liver disease.
Coffee, whether black, instant or decaffeinated, has clear benefits for the liver.
A study published in the journal BMC Public Health involving 500,000 participants found that drinking coffee can help reduce the risk of developing liver disease. People who drink 3 to 4 cups of coffee a day significantly reduce the risk of diseases such as fatty liver or liver cancer.
Here are some benefits of coffee for liver health, according to the health site HealthShots (India).
Coffee, whether black, instant or decaffeinated, has clear benefits for the liver.
Provides vitamins and minerals
Coffee is a source of essential vitamins and minerals when consumed properly. One cup of unsweetened black coffee (240 ml) can provide vitamins B12, B5, B1, B3, folate, manganese, potassium, magnesium and phosphorus.
Reduce the risk of fatty liver
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is a condition in which excess fat builds up in liver cells. It is common in people who are overweight, have diabetes, or have high cholesterol. If left untreated, this condition can progress to cirrhosis or liver cancer.
Coffee may help slow the progression of the disease thanks to paraxanthine, a chemical produced when the body digests caffeine. This substance helps slow the growth of scar tissue in the liver and may help treat cirrhosis, hepatitis B, C and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.
Helps reduce inflammation
In addition, coffee also contains two diterpenes, cafestol and kahweol, which have anti-inflammatory effects and reduce the risk of liver disease.
According to research in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences , cafestol and kahweol may reduce the risk of hepatitis B.
Note when drinking coffee
However, the benefits of coffee are only achieved when consumed in moderation. We should only drink 3 to 4 cups of coffee per day. People with liver disease should consult their doctor to determine the appropriate amount of caffeine.
Each body has a different ability to consume caffeine, so coffee drinkers need to pay attention to their body's reaction.
Black coffee without sugar is the best choice for liver health. For people with fatty liver, limiting sugar and fat in coffee is essential.
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