The product line is developed and researched by scientists specializing in Biotechnology in conjunction with Medistem Science Joint Stock Company and Mediworld Company Limited to produce and commercialize the product.
The product line combines plant nutrient extraction technology and some ingredients certified to meet European COSMO - ECOCERT standards.
Mediworld Company signed cooperation agreements with agents to commercialize products.
The product line also represents a breakthrough in research applying biotechnology and using (enzymes, fatty acids, minerals, trace elements, etc.) from plants to aim at care and support solutions: regenerating, purifying and providing nutrients, balancing PH for the skin.
This is a development trend of Plant Extraction Technology from Biotechnology applied in cosmetics.
RESTRUCTURER capsules combine Plant Peptide Technology from Oryza Rice and Collagen Peptide
RESTRUCTURER capsules combine Plant Peptide Technology from Oryza Rice and Collagen Peptide with plant extracts that are beneficial for the skin and support female hormones.
Products applying modern biotechnology are granted copyrights such as: Plant Peptide technology from Oryza Rice and Collagen Peptide, demonstrating a breakthrough in research applying biotechnology and advanced science and technology in the world, aiming at solutions for care and support of skin structure regeneration, reducing dry skin, melasma, ... and balancing hormones.
For more information, please contact:
Phone (028) 6294 9111
Email: [email protected]
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