Gifted High School will hold 10th grade entrance exams on May 26 and 27.
Of which, the number of candidates registering for grade 10 English major is the highest with 1,254 candidates, followed by math major with 864 candidates, literature major with 573 candidates, chemistry major with 419 candidates, physics major with 285 candidates, biology major with 184 candidates, and information technology major with 162 candidates.
In general, the competition ratio for grade 10 at the Gifted High School this year is 1 to 5 (1/5). In 2022, there will be 2,300 candidates registering for the school's grade 10 exam, so the average competition ratio is 1/3.86.
However, according to the analysis of the leaders of the Gifted High School, the overall competition ratio of the school has increased, but the competition ratio for each specialized subject has decreased. Specifically, the English major has the highest competition ratio of 1/9, while in 2022 it is 1/14, or the math major this year has a competition ratio of 1/8.2, while last year it was 1/9.6.
Accordingly, the Gifted High School stipulates that the admission conditions for grade 10 are that students complete junior high school nationwide, have good conduct and academic performance for the entire school year of junior high school classes, and have good graduation grades.
The enrollment quota for grade 10 of the Gifted High School for the 2023-2024 school year is divided into specialized classes corresponding to the 2 learning facilities as follows:
Q.5 Campus (153 Nguyen Chi Thanh, Ward 9, District 5, Ho Chi Minh City) recruits 350 students for 10 specialized classes: math (2 classes), computer science (2 classes), physics (1 class), chemistry (1 class), biology (1 class), English (2 classes) and literature (1 class).
Thu Duc campus (in the urban area of Ho Chi Minh City National University) recruits 245 students into 7 specialized classes oriented towards interdisciplinary fields (LN): math-LN (1 class), physics-LN (1 class), chemistry-LN (1 class), biology-LN (1 class), English-LN (2 classes) and Literature-LN (1 class).
Candidates are required to take 4 exams, including 3 non-specialized subjects: math, literature, English and an optional specialized subject exam from the following subjects: math, computer science, physics, chemistry, biology, literature and English.
Each candidate can register for a maximum of 2 specialized subjects in the elective specialized subject exam. In case of registering for 2 subjects, candidates must ensure to choose one subject in each of the following groups: Group 1: Math, Literature; Group 2: English, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Information Technology.
The non-major exam consists of both essay and multiple choice parts. The major exam will be essay.
Time and schedule of the 10th grade entrance exam at Gifted High School are as follows:
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