STT | Specialized class | Target | Aspiration | Competition ratio |
1 | English | 215 | 2,088 | 9.7 |
2 | Russian | 15 | 319 | 21.3 |
3 | French | 25 | 230 | 12.8 |
4 | Chinese | 40 | 269 | 6.8 |
5 | German | 40 | 315 | 7.9 |
6 | Japanese | 40 | 366 | 9.2 |
7 | Korean | 25 | 255 | 10.2 |
Total | 400 | 3,842 |
With 15 enrollment targets, the Russian language class received 319 applications, the competition ratio skyrocketed to 1/21.3 (last year, this class had a ratio of 1 to 7.8).
Next is the French specialized class with a ratio of 1:12.8, the Korean specialized class has a ratio of 1:10.2. The English specialized class received the largest number of applications with 2,088, while the school only recruited 215 students, a ratio of 1:9.7.
In the 2023-2024 school year, the school will enroll 500 students in grade 10 (100 students in non-specialized classes). The Foreign Language Specialized High School notes that candidates are not allowed to change their wishes in the submitted application; candidates can submit multiple applications. For candidates submitting multiple applications, candidates must confirm the only major they will be taking in the morning of the exam registration procedure.
Candidates will take the exam on the morning of June 3 and must participate in 3 subjects: Foreign language proficiency assessment; Math and Natural Science proficiency assessment, Literature and Social Science proficiency assessment.
In the Foreign Language Proficiency Test (coefficient 2), candidates choose one of the following languages: English, French, Chinese, German, Japanese, Korean. Candidates will have 90 minutes to complete the test with 60 multiple-choice questions and one essay question.
Math and Natural Science Aptitude Assessment (coefficient 1) takes 55 minutes, multiple choice test format.
Literature and Social Science Competency Assessment (coefficient 1) in 55 minutes, multiple choice and essay format.
According to the announcement, the school will consider admission from high to low until the quota is full, from the specialized system with scholarships, specialized system and non-specialized system respectively. The admission score is the total score of three exams on a 10-point scale, the foreign language subject multiplied by a factor of 2 and rounded to 2 decimal places. The exam results will be announced before June 30.
Ha Cuong
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