DNVN - This morning, February 20, the exchange rate between Vietnamese Dong (VND) and US Dollar (USD) and Chinese Yuan (CNY) at banks had an insignificant adjustment.
The State Bank announced the central exchange rate increased by 10 VND compared to February 19, reaching 24,643 VND/USD. With a fluctuation range of +/-5%, the ceiling exchange rate today is 25,875 VND/USD, while the floor exchange rate is at 23,411 VND/USD. The reference exchange rate at the State Bank's Transaction Office was also adjusted up to 23,452 - 25,814 VND/USD (buy - sell).
At the commercial banking system, updated at 8:16, Vietcombank and BIDV both listed the USD exchange rate at 25,350 - 25,710 VND/USD (buy - sell). Compared to yesterday morning, the USD exchange rate at these two banks increased by 10 VND in both directions.
Regarding the CNY exchange rate, Vietcombank is listing this foreign currency at 3,450 - 3,561 VND/CNY (buy - sell), down 1 VND compared to February 19. Meanwhile, BIDV kept the buying price unchanged but decreased 1 VND in the selling price, listing at 3,468 - 3,563 VND/CNY.
Viet Anh (t/h)
Source: https://doanhnghiepvn.vn/kinh-te/ty-gia-ngoai-te-ngay-20-2-2025-usd-va-ndt-bien-dong-nhe/20250220095721352
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