DNVN - Today, February 19, the exchange rate between Vietnamese Dong (VND) and US Dollar (USD) at banks continues to increase.
At the State Bank, the central exchange rate today was announced at 24,633 VND/USD, 31 VND higher than the morning of February 18. With a margin of +/-5%, the ceiling exchange rate is currently 25,865 VND/USD, while the floor exchange rate is at 23,401 VND/USD. Meanwhile, at the State Bank Exchange, the reference exchange rate was adjusted to 23,422 - 25,782 VND/USD (buy - sell).
At commercial banks, updated at 8:31, both Vietcombank and BIDV applied the USD exchange rate at 25,340 - 25,700 VND/USD (buy - sell), an increase of 40 VND in both directions compared to the morning of February 18.
On the contrary, the exchange rate of the CNY this morning at some banks tended to decrease. Specifically, Vietcombank adjusted the CNY exchange rate down to 3,451 - 3,562 VND/CNY (buy - sell), down 2 VND compared to the morning of February 18. BIDV also recorded a similar decrease, listing the exchange rate at 3,468 - 3,564 VND/CNY (buy - sell).
Viet Anh (t/h)
Source: https://doanhnghiepvn.vn/kinh-te/ty-gia-ngoai-te-ngay-19-2-2025-usd-tiep-tuc-di-len/20250219104834252
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