DNVN - This morning, February 17, the exchange rate between Vietnamese Dong (VND) and US Dollar (USD) and Chinese Yuan (CNY) fluctuated in opposite directions in the banking system.
At the State Bank, the central exchange rate was listed at 24,577 VND/USD, up 15 VND compared to the morning trading session on February 14. The +/-5% band stipulates the ceiling exchange rate at 25,806 VND/USD and the floor exchange rate at 23,348 VND/USD. At the State Bank Exchange, the reference exchange rate was adjusted down to 23,384 - 25,740 VND/USD (buy - sell).
In the commercial banking system, at 8:23 a.m., Vietcombank announced the USD exchange rate at 25,220 - 25,580 VND/USD (buy - sell), down 50 VND in both directions compared to the morning of February 14. Following the same trend, BIDV decreased 10 VND, bringing the USD price to 25,220 - 25,580 VND/USD (buy - sell).
For the Chinese Yuan, Vietcombank listed the exchange rate at 3,447 - 3,558 VND/NDT (buy - sell), up 10 VND and 11 VND respectively compared to the morning of February 14. Meanwhile, BIDV adjusted the CNY price up 16 VND for buying and 17 VND for selling, currently listed at 3,464 - 3,560 VND/NDT (buy - sell).
Viet Anh (t/h)
Source: https://doanhnghiepvn.vn/kinh-te/ty-gia-ngoai-te-ngay-17-2-2025-usd-giam-nhe-ndt-tiep-tuc-tang/20250217110710093
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