DNVN - The exchange rate between the Vietnamese Dong (VND) and strong currencies such as the US Dollar (USD) and Chinese Yuan (CNY) on the morning of January 14 recorded an upward trend at commercial banks.
According to the update from the State Bank, the central exchange rate today increased by 3 VND compared to January 13, to 24,346 VND/USD. Within the +/-5% range, the ceiling exchange rate is currently 25,563 VND/USD, while the floor exchange rate is 23,129 VND/USD. At the State Bank's Transaction Office, the reference exchange rate continues to be maintained at 23,400 - 25,450 VND/USD (buy - sell).
At 8:27 this morning, commercial banks such as Vietcombank and BIDV listed the USD exchange rate at 25,203 - 25,563 VND/USD (buy - sell), an increase of 18 VND compared to the previous day in both trading directions.
Not only the USD, the CNY exchange rate also recorded growth. At Vietcombank, the CNY exchange rate this morning reached 3,410 - 3,519 VND/CNY (buy - sell), up 5 VND in both directions. BIDV also adjusted the rate up by 3 VND, bringing the exchange rate to 3,425 - 3,529 VND/CNY (buy - sell).
Viet Anh (t/h)
Source: https://doanhnghiepvn.vn/kinh-te/ty-gia-ngoai-te-ngay-14-1-2025-dong-usd-va-ndt-tang-tro-lai/20250114091530649
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