DNVN - The exchange rate of US Dollar (USD) and Chinese Yuan (CNY) on January 13 at commercial banks simultaneously decreased.
Specifically, at 8:21 a.m., Vietcombank and BIDV simultaneously listed the USD exchange rate at 25,185 - 25,545 VND/USD (buy - sell). Compared to the early morning of January 10, the USD buying and selling prices at these two banks have decreased by 13 VND.
Meanwhile, at the State Bank, the central exchange rate today was adjusted up by 2 VND compared to the end of last week, reaching 24,343 VND/USD. With a fluctuation range of +/-5%, the current ceiling exchange rate is 25,560 VND/USD, while the floor exchange rate is 23,126 VND/USD. At the State Bank's transaction office, the reference exchange rate remains at 23,400 - 25,450 VND/USD (buy - sell).
For the CNY, this morning Vietcombank announced the exchange rate at 3,405 - 3,514 VND/CNY (buy - sell), down 2 VND in both directions compared to January 10. Similarly, BIDV also lowered the CNY exchange rate by 2 VND, currently listed at 3,422 - 3,526 VND/CNY (buy - sell).
Viet Anh (t/h)
Source: https://doanhnghiepvn.vn/kinh-te/ty-gia-ngoai-te-ngay-13-1-2025-gia-usd-va-nhan-dan-te-tiep-tuc-giam/20250113094036149
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