Attending the conference were: Secretary of the Party Committee of Hanoi City Agencies Doan Trung Tuan; Deputy Secretary of Hanoi Youth Union Tran Quang Hung.
Reviewing the 93-year tradition of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union, Deputy Secretary of the Hanoi City Agencies Bloc Youth Union Trinh Anh Tu said that the youth of the Bloc are deeply aware of the responsibility to build a clean, strong, and exemplary political system, and to build a developed City Agencies Bloc. Inheriting and promoting the traditions of previous generations, the contingent of union cadres, union members, youth and union organizations in the Bloc are always proactive, leading, constantly innovating the content and methods of operation, focusing on educating revolutionary ideals, ethics, lifestyle, and culture; always promoting the proactiveness, creativity, and vanguard nature of union members and youth in performing the political tasks of agencies and work units, through the implementation of many typical revolutionary movements and actions such as the movements: "Good advice, good service"; "Youth volunteers", "Creative youth", etc.
Since then, in 2023, the youth of the City Agencies Bloc is proud to be an outstanding unit in the work of the Youth Union and the youth movement of the Capital Agencies and Enterprises Bloc; creating an environment to discover and foster many exemplary young civil servants and public employees nationwide and in the Capital; for many consecutive years, the Youth Union work and youth movement of the Bloc have always received excellent emulation flags and certificates of merit from the Central Youth Union; and the excellent unit flag of the Hanoi Youth Union.
The Hanoi City Agencies Bloc Youth Union will constantly innovate its content and methods of operation. Do a good job of educating and building a generation of young people in the City Agencies Bloc who are patriotic, self-reliant, steadfast in the ideals of national independence and socialism, have revolutionary ethics, awareness of law observance, live a cultured life, are responsible for the community, strive to study, practice and follow Ho Chi Minh's ideology, ethics and style. From there, build a new generation of young people who are pioneers, exemplary, united, responsible, creative, integrated and developed.
Effectively organize the revolutionary movements of the Youth Union in conjunction with the implementation of the professional tasks of the unit and the political tasks of the Bloc to strongly promote the pioneering role of young people in studying, working, scientific research, administrative reform, volunteering for community life, defending the fatherland...; improve the capacity and bravery of young people in international integration, pioneer in digital transformation, apply scientific and technological achievements to form high-quality young human resources contributing to the development of the digital economy, digital government, and digital society.
At the ceremony, the Hanoi City Agencies' Youth Union honored 10 exemplary young cadres and civil servants, emphasizing the importance of building and training youth leaders at the grassroots level, thereby contributing to consolidating, building and developing the Hanoi City Agencies' Youth Union to become increasingly stronger.
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