Handcrafted handbags have existed for centuries. Many famous figures in history and fashion have appeared with their lovely bags. The usefulness of this type of bag is considered very high and there is enough diversity in style, creating a perfect item for female followers to not only introduce themselves but also convey meaningful messages to the community or promote the culture and tourism of a region or country.
Not only does it have royal value, the precious "limitation" that each bag of this type possesses also makes it a creative work of art that is very easy to match with modern, vintage, traditional, minimalist or formal outfits and especially evening dresses.
Some designs are also suitable for outdoor wear, sports style...
“The Fall/Winter 2024 collections have all expressed the designer’s ideas and celebrated the wearer’s personality and style. And the exquisite, unique handmade bags are a key component of this. More and more fashionistas are looking for handmade bags to convey their personal style,” Libby Page, market director of Net-A-Porter (Italy’s leading online fashion retailer), shared with ELLE magazine ( France).
“At Net-A-Porter , we’ve seen a 300% increase in searches for white beaded bags in the last two weeks (compared to the previous period), and the Clio Peppiatt Chandelier faux leather tote is a firm favourite. It’s easy to add pattern, while also working particularly well with a neutral wardrobe…”, adds Libby Page
The uniqueness of handmade bags makes them easy to match with many outfits and styles and are favored by female fashionistas.
Bags with stones, carvings and embroidery, beads... are ideal choices for evening and formal wear...
A bag that easily matches event attire
Bag models for office sets
Leather, embroidered, carved, embossed bags... are very popular despite their high prices. Many local handmade brands have stepped up their creativity and sold widely on online channels and have become very developed.
Behind the sophistication of handicrafts is also the cultural message of each nation, region, and area... That is the reason why fashionistas increasingly choose handmade handbags for fall outfits (the most liberal fashion season of the year).
Source: https://thanhnien.vn/thoi-trang-tre/tui-xach-thu-cong-hop-moi-trang-phuc-phong-cach-thoi-trang-185240821171525209.htm
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