Self-study is the process of actively seeking, absorbing and applying knowledge without depending entirely on others. It is not limited to the school but takes place continuously in life.
Forming a reading habit is one of the ways to train children's self-study skills. Photo taken at a bookstore in Ho Chi Minh City on a weekend - Photo: N.HUY
In fact, people with good self-study ability will develop critical thinking and flexibility in the face of social changes.
In the context of rapid technological development, what is learned in school is only the initial foundation. Without the ability to self-study and lifelong learning, people will quickly fall behind.
An individual with a lifelong learning mindset will not be afraid of the risks of innovation but will see it as an opportunity to continue to grow.
In an organization, a team of employees with a spirit of self-learning will help the organization innovate and adapt quickly to daily changes, especially in the current streamlining revolution.
Dare to commit
Self-study is not simply about acquiring knowledge but also about training critical thinking and developing problem-solving skills. Self-learners are not afraid of making mistakes but see them as part of the learning process.
By continuously learning and experimenting, they build a solid foundation of knowledge, which in turn develops creative thinking and confidence in decision making.
On the contrary, people who are used to passive learning are afraid of making mistakes, do not dare to make decisions because of fear of failure, and lack confidence in their own judgment. This makes them hesitant to face new opportunities, not daring to experiment or make breakthroughs in work and life.
People with a self-learning mindset are not only confident but also dare to take on new things. They dare to think ahead, ask questions and act to find answers. Self-learning helps people develop independent thinking, build courage to face challenges and be proactive in life as well as in their career.
When people have the ability to learn on their own, they do not passively wait for school but can improve themselves, enhance their skills and keep up with new trends. This is always true in the current and future changing context.
Examples of self-taught success include Thomas Edison and Elon Musk. Edison, one of the greatest inventors in history, only attended formal school for a few months, but through self-study he researched and invented the light bulb, the phonograph, and thousands of other inventions.
Similarly, Elon Musk, founder of Tesla and SpaceX, did not study rocketry formally, but by reading hundreds of technical books, he researched and developed space technology himself, contributing to changing the space industry.
Both are clear evidence that self-study helps people become confident, creative and dare to pursue bold ideas.
What to do to have self-study skills?
Although self-learning is important, not everyone can easily practice this skill. One of the biggest barriers is probably due to the education system itself focusing too much on achievements and exams, without encouraging independent thinking.
When children have to take extra classes in the style of "studying for exams, teaching for exams", getting used to sample questions, they gradually lose the habit of self-studying, only knowing how to study from books without the ability to ask questions or explore further.
Children who grow up with a passive learning mindset will be dependent, not proactive in solving problems and will easily rely on others. Without a foundation of independent thinking, these people are often afraid of failure when they need to make decisions because they do not have the habit of managing and solving problems on their own.
People with a self-learning mindset will always be proactive in adapting, turning challenges into opportunities. They are not afraid to experiment, take calculated risks and are willing to learn from failure to move forward. These people learn anywhere, anytime and are often not conservative in the face of new things.
Self-study not only helps people enrich their knowledge but also builds confidence and courage in the face of challenges. When having the ability to self-study, people dare to think big, dare to experiment, are not afraid of failure and always find ways to adapt to circumstances.
However, if education and society do not encourage self-study but only focus on exam results, people will gradually lose the ability to think independently, become passive and afraid of change.
To nurture a generation that dares to think and dares to do, we need to change our approach to knowledge, encouraging initiative and creativity from a young age. Only then can each individual truly take control of their own lives and confidently reach out.
More importantly, the ability to learn throughout life also depends greatly on self-awareness and self-learning mindset. If a person understands that learning does not stop after school, they will be motivated to continuously improve themselves, expand their knowledge and update the changes of the times.
On the contrary, if they lack self-learning mindset, they easily fall into stagnation, cannot keep up with the development of society, leading to the loss of many opportunities in work and life.
Lenin once said: "Study, study more, study forever". This saying is even more meaningful in the current downsizing revolution. Self-study and lifelong learning are necessary for each individual in the administrative apparatus to quickly adapt to the new context, when the job position may change, when there may be no longer a position in the administrative apparatus, self-study is even more meaningful for each person to find another job.
Nowadays, technology always helps people to self-study, learn for life. And self-study is not only the key to go far, but also the foundation for each individual to constantly innovate and perfect themselves.
Success in today's society is not for those who only follow the beaten path and dogmatic theories, but for those who are creative and proactive in thinking and acting.
Adapting to growth
Lifelong learning is not simply about attending courses and training, but also about actively seeking and expanding knowledge through many different sources. The ability to self-study is the deciding factor in whether a person can adapt to the development of the world or not.
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