Journalist Etcetera Nguyen (also known as Truong Nguyen, full name Nguyen Quang Truong), is remembered by many for his long artistic hair and his authentic reports about life and Vietnamese people across the country.
From being an extreme anti-communist, journalist Nguyen Quang Truong changed his thinking and perspective on Vietnam after observations and contemplations while visiting and working in Truong Sa.
VTC News reporter talked with journalist Nguyen Quang Truong, who has been to Truong Sa 5 times and is affectionately known as: Peace Ambassador of Truong Sa.
- In 2022, the 5th time visiting Truong Sa, how are your feelings different from previous times, Mr. Truong Nguyen?
I am a lucky journalist who has visited Truong Sa 5 times, in 2012, 2014, 2015, 2019 and 2022.
2022 marks the 10th anniversary of the trip dedicated to overseas Vietnamese organized by the State Committee for Overseas Vietnamese in coordination with the Vietnam Navy Command. Many overseas Vietnamese delegates from all over the world gathered in Vietnam to participate in the Truong Sa 2022 Voyage. From the perspective of a journalist, I have recorded many stories and also the special feelings of overseas Vietnamese during this trip.
Every trip to Truong Sa is new and different for me. The changes here always bring me new feelings. The island seems greener and receives more attention.
We visited temples, schools, met people and soldiers, and through the stories and images we recorded, I have more faith in the growing life on our beloved islands.
- During the trip, you created many paintings to give to the officers, soldiers and people on Truong Sa island?
Along with my responsibilities as a journalist, recording images, stories, and conducting interviews, I am also an artist, so I always bring my art materials with me to draw. This is one of the things I always want to do, because not every artist has the opportunity to visit Truong Sa and record the differences.
My joy is sketching portraits of the officers, soldiers and people on the island. I have the opportunity to confide in them, listen to their stories and record many valuable visual documents.
The busyness made me feel like the 9 days passed too quickly. I need more time. I hope that this short period of time will help the soldiers and people feel the warm and special affection of overseas Vietnamese when they return to visit Truong Sa.
After a business trip to Truong Sa in 2012, when I returned to the mainland, I collaborated with Kim Dong Publishing House to illustrate a book about the islands, and when I returned to the United States, I held several solo exhibitions about what I recorded in the Truong Sa Islands.
- What is the most profound image that remains in you when participating in Truong Sa Voyage 2022?
Those were the flag-raising ceremonies on Truong Sa archipelago. It was the first time I heard the oaths of soldiers in a large square. In such a space, the image of a strong young soldier loudly reciting 10 oaths made me deeply moved. I felt the great responsibility of the children who are holding guns day and night to protect the sea and islands of the Fatherland. That left a deep impression on my mind.
In addition, the memorial service for the soldiers at the DK1 platform area on the deck of the ship also left me with many special emotions. The flowers, the paper cranes and even the tears were shed. I saw many overseas Vietnamese moved to tears when listening to the speech about the sacrifice of the soldiers. We have to go there and listen to each story to see the specific sacrifice.
From the perspective of a journalist seeking the truth, the experiences of the trip were very valuable to me. People far from the Fatherland, especially in the United States - where I lived for many years - still cannot imagine the sacrifices of the soldiers.
I hope that more overseas Vietnamese in the United States will be able to visit Truong Sa, so that they can see the responsibility as well as the difficulties of the officers, soldiers and people here, and at the same time feel the care of the Party and State, and the hearts of the people in the country for the soldiers on the great islands.
- You just said that in the United States there are many overseas Vietnamese who do not have access to official information about Vietnam's sovereignty over its islands and life on the archipelagos?
That's right! Therefore, together with me, each overseas Vietnamese, each delegate will be a living witness to be able to make assessments. In the United States, some people do not really have goodwill towards their homeland, although they always say that patriotism should be promoted.
If because of some differences or prejudices they do not agree with Mother Vietnam and do not feel the sacrifices of the soldiers who are protecting their homeland day and night, then I think that is a pity.
Therefore, I will try to continue using the stories and real images I have recorded to clarify the ambiguities of dissidents.
The truth is a truth, the truth never changes. That truth is shown through the images of the scene, the real stories that I have recorded. I will continue to do the work of bringing that truth to more people.
- However, that obvious truth is not easy for everyone to accept...
Overseas, not everyone receives information about the sovereignty of their homeland’s sea and islands, although a lot of information is available with just one click. However, because of prejudice, blind hatred, and other political motives, some people have closed their consciences and hearts.
I believe that the truth is still evident, just as the sun always rises in the East. That truth will dispel the doubts about the situation of the country of some people overseas.
Therefore, I believe that visits to Truong Sa for overseas Vietnamese around the world will increasingly convince them to change their mindset and have a positive view of their homeland.
We will continue to love our homeland and Fatherland with a common denominator, which is Mother Vietnam.
- During the Truong Sa 2022 voyage, how did you feel the affection of overseas Vietnamese around the world?
I saw the emotional tears of overseas Vietnamese. Most of them were visiting Truong Sa for the first time, but I could see their feelings. The Truong Sa 2022 voyage brought them valuable experiences.
Everyone wants to go a second time, they will prepare better, bring many gifts to show their affection for the officers, soldiers and people on the island.
When returning to the mainland, everyone feels very lucky to live a peaceful life. They will remember and be grateful for the sacrifices of the soldiers who day and night protect their homeland's sea and islands.
We have a strong rear, not only with nearly 100 million Vietnamese people in the country but also overseas Vietnamese around the world.
I find trips to Truong Sa organized by the State Committee for Overseas Vietnamese like this very useful, meaningful and bring about the spirit of national harmony and solidarity.
I hope there will be more trips like this so that overseas Vietnamese can connect with people in the country, so that we can all look towards Truong Sa, towards our homeland's sea and islands.
- What are your upcoming plans after the meaningful Truong Sa 2022 voyage?
I continue to listen to the thoughts and feelings of the cadres, soldiers and people on the islands and convey those feelings to further expand and spread the love for the homeland.
Not only overseas Vietnamese but also domestic delegates were very moved when visiting Truong Sa. Not everyone has the opportunity to visit the officers and soldiers in Truong Sa. Therefore, everyone wants to learn more and know more about the sea and islands through trips like this.
Thank you!
Truong Nguyen was born in 1968, originally from Nam Dinh, but his family migrated to the South in 1954. He is the General Secretary of Viet Weekly newspaper in the US and is now the editor-in-chief and reporter of Vietnam Today TV channel.
Nguyen School was honored to receive many journalism awards such as: Encouragement Prize of the National Foreign Information Journalism Award in 2015, Golden Hammer and Sickle Excellence Award in 2019, Nhan Dan Newspaper A Prize, along with many certificates of merit from the Central Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front, Yen Bai Provincial Party Committee, Yen Bai Provincial Education Promotion Association, and Yen Bai Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism.
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