On March 26, the Traffic Police Department, Ministry of Public Security announced the conversion of the electronic information page providing public services for issuing and exchanging driving licenses with the following content. Accordingly, from March 26, the Traffic Police Department officially operates a new public service information page at: https://dvc-gplx.csgt.bocongan.gov.vn.
From March 26 to March 31, when people access the public service page of the Vietnam Road Administration, the system will automatically redirect to the public service page of the Ministry of Public Security. Currently, the functional unit of the Ministry of Public Security has increased the capacity to process records per day from 3,000 records to 10,000 records for issuing and exchanging driving licenses.
The Traffic Police Department recommends that people should issue and change their driving licenses online. This will reduce travel time and make procedures faster.

According to the provisions of the Law on Road Traffic Safety, in case the driving license has been integrated into the electronic identification account, the presentation and verification can be done through the electronic identification account. Therefore, the traffic participants presenting the driving license through the VNeID application is in accordance with the provisions of the law.
Transport businesses are also advised to manage drivers through electronic driving licenses, without necessarily requiring physical documents. During patrols and inspections, traffic police will also prioritize checking driver license data on the force's specialized software.
Source: https://cand.com.vn/Giao-thong/tu-26-3-cap-doi-giay-phep-lai-xe-qua-cong-dich-vu-cong-cua-bo-cong-an-i763081/
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