Additional income for civil servants and public employees
In the Capital Law 2024, according to Clause 3, Article 15, cadres, civil servants, and public employees working in state agencies, political organizations, the Vietnam Fatherland Front, socio-political organizations, and public service units whose regular expenditures are fully guaranteed by the state budget under the management of Hanoi City are entitled to additional income based on their capacity and work efficiency.
Clause 1, Article 35 stipulates that the Hanoi People's Council will decide to use the remaining salary reform fund after ensuring sufficient funds to implement salary reform for the entire period of budget stabilization according to regulations of competent authorities and ensuring social policies, social security, and social welfare issued by the central government to implement additional income expenditure for cadres, civil servants, and public employees according to the above regulations; the total expenditure shall not exceed 0.8 times the basic salary fund (basic salary = salary coefficient x 2.34 million VND) of cadres, civil servants, and public employees under the management of Hanoi City.
The total amount of this additional income expenditure shall not exceed 0.8 times the basic salary fund of cadres, civil servants and public employees under the management of Hanoi City.
Attract and employ talented people
In the Capital Law 2024, Article 16 stipulates attracting and employing talented people and developing high-quality human resources.
Specifically, attracting and employing talented people is carried out as follows: Vietnamese citizens with outstanding moral qualities, qualifications, abilities, practical experience, working domestically or abroad with special works, products, achievements, merits or contributions to the development of a field or industry of the Capital are considered for recruitment and acceptance as civil servants and public employees.
Vietnamese citizens who meet the above criteria are allowed to sign contracts to perform professional or technical work or to assume management and operational positions at public service units under the management of the City.
Foreigners with high professional qualifications, extensive practical experience, whose works or products have been accepted, recognized, and applied with high efficiency may sign contracts to perform the tasks of building, developing, managing, and protecting the Capital.
Those who are selected, accepted or signed to work contracts as prescribed in points a, b and c of this clause shall enjoy the regimes and policies prescribed by the City People's Council.
In addition, the City People's Council decided on the following policies on developing high-quality human resources in the Capital: prioritizing the development of high-quality human resources, reaching regional and international levels in sectors and fields to meet the requirements and tasks of building, developing, managing and protecting the Capital in each period.
Use the City budget to support investment in facilities and equipment of key national training facilities in the City.
Use the city budget to support training costs, foster and improve professional skills at foreign training facilities for cadres, civil servants and public employees working in agencies, organizations and units under the city's management, and students of educational and training facilities in the city.
Support the establishment of national and regional centers for high-quality vocational training and practice in the city; support tuition fees for vocational students at high-quality vocational training facilities in the city.
Regarding attracting and employing talented people and developing high-quality human resources as stipulated in the Capital Law, this is a major and important policy. If the Capital cannot attract and employ talented people and does not have enough high-quality human resources, it will not be able to achieve the goals set out in the Capital Law.
Delegate Ha Sy Dong (National Assembly Delegation of Quang Tri Province )
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