According to the Department of E-commerce and Digital Economy, in the current digital age, shopping is not simply choosing the product you need, but also researching and verifying to ensure you buy the right genuine product. With increasingly developed technology, scanning the QRCode on the product is one of the important tools to help shoppers have full information about the product as well as their shopping rights. Because counterfeit and fake goods are the most common risks that customers encounter when shopping, especially online shopping.
By checking the QRCode, customers can verify the origin and authenticity of the product. This helps customers avoid poor quality products that do not meet their needs and are a waste of money.
QR codes not only help consumers protect their shopping rights, but also help government agencies more easily fight against the problem of counterfeit and fake goods that are rampant in the market.
Tracing origin with QRCode helps to clarify product quality and protect consumer rights |
Pursuant to Decision 645/QD-TTg dated May 15, 2020 of the Prime Minister approving the master plan for national e-commerce development for the period 2021 - 2025 with one of the key tasks being to build and support businesses in applying digital technology solutions (barcode technology, QRcode) to authenticate genuine products, build online brands and market in the electronic environment, the Center for Information Technology and Digital Technology (Department of E-commerce and Digital Economy, Ministry of Industry and Trade) has built and put into operation a system for authenticating genuine products through QRCode in e-commerce (
By scanning the QRcode on this system, customers can know the origin of the product, technical specifications and many other important information. The system has both the function of authenticating genuine products and the function of preventing counterfeiting. Dynamic QRCode technology is strictly managed, ensuring security criteria, limiting the number of accesses, and preventing prediction.
"QR codes not only help consumers protect their shopping rights, but also help state management agencies more easily fight against counterfeit and fake goods that are happening in the market, aiming to create a smart, safe and transparent business and shopping environment," emphasized a representative of the Center for Information Technology and Digital Technology.
Using traceability stamps on products helps customers have a more comprehensive view of the product before making a purchase decision. Consumers can access information quickly and accurately, thereby increasing their confidence in products with traceability stamps.
Creating a habit of scanning QR codes to learn product information and specifications during each purchase also means that consumers are encouraging businesses to pay more attention and be more thorough in providing transparent and quality information to consumers.
In order to better connect businesses and consumers, creating great opportunities for the application of digital technologies, the Center for Information Technology and Digital Technology is also researching and applying the most modern and advanced technological solutions to the operation of the genuine product authentication system through QRCode in e-commerce, contributing to building a safe and reliable shopping community, where people can choose information and products intelligently and create competitive advantages for products, thereby increasing product value and brand for businesses.
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