Hanoi Department of Education and Training has just announced the benchmark scores for admission to non-specialized public grade 10.
Accordingly, Chu Van An High School is no longer "alone" like many years ago.
The benchmark score for grade 10 in 2024 of Chu Van An School is 42.5, a decrease of 2 points compared to 2023. This score is equal to the benchmark scores of Yen Hoa and Le Quy Don schools (Ha Dong).
This is also the first time in the past 10 years that a high school has been on par with Chu Van An School in terms of non-specialized grade 10 benchmark scores.
Candidates taking the 10th grade exam in Hanoi (Photo: Thanh Dong).
In general, the benchmark scores for grade 10 admission in Hanoi in 2024 will decrease slightly compared to 2023. At top schools, the decrease is 1-2 points. The group of schools with increased benchmark scores will have a slight increase of about 0.25-0.5 points.
This year, Hanoi's public 10th grade exam had the participation of 117,361 candidates. Of these, about 106,000 candidates registered their first choice for non-specialized 10th grade.
The valedictorian with 48.5 points is student Nguyen Hoang Minh Quan of Hanoi - Amsterdam High School for the Gifted.
Fluctuations in admission scores for grade 10 at top schools in Hanoi in 2023 and 2024 (Photo: Nguyen Huyen).
A total of 1,925 candidates scored 45 points or more, an average of 9 points/subject.
From the 40-point mark and above, 29,130 candidates passed. This number accounts for about 39.5% of the total target of 119 public high schools (excluding autonomous and jointly managed public schools).
This year, Hanoi assigned 119 public high schools to enroll 1,657 new classes and 73,695 students for grade 10.
Of which, 4 specialized schools and specialized classes recruited 82 new classes and 2,970 students.
8 autonomous public high schools recruit 85 new classes and 3,555 students.
The total target is 77,250 students. Compared to 2023, the total target increased by more than 1,500 students.
In addition, Hanoi also has 4 specialized high schools affiliated with universities, helping to increase the number of public school places in the city to about 81,000.
Source: https://dantri.com.vn/giao-duc/truong-thpt-chu-van-an-mat-vi-tri-doc-ton-ve-diem-chuan-vao-lop-10-20240701152418861.htm
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