In the 2024-2025 school year, Chu Van An High School welcomed 660 students to grade 10, bringing the total number of students to 1,904, divided into 45 classes. In the new school year, teachers and students of Chu Van An High School compete in teaching and working, actively studying and practicing, aiming to successfully build a National Standard School Level II; implementing well the teaching content according to the 2018 general education program, striving for the graduation rate of students in 2025 to reach 100%.
Giving gifts and scholarships to encourage students of Chu Van An High School to overcome difficulties and excel in their studies.
At the opening ceremony, the Board of Directors of Chu Van An High School awarded students who were valedictorians in the 10th grade entrance exam; students and instructors who won prizes at the Ninh Thuan Province Youth and Children's Creativity Contest 2024; Ninh Thuan Province Youth Informatics Contest 2024; and awarded teachers and students who achieved high results in the 3rd Party Awareness Training class in 2024. On this occasion, MB Military Bank Ninh Thuan branch, Vietcombank Thap Cham branch and other benefactors awarded 16 scholarships and 20 gifts to encourage students in difficult circumstances to overcome difficulties and achieve high academic results.
Minh Thuong
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