The first degree of Venerable Thich Chan Quang is a bachelor's degree in English.
Late this afternoon, June 25, Hanoi Law University sent a press release to media agencies, announcing the doctoral training process of student Vuong Tan Viet, also known as Venerable Thich Chan Quang, who caused a stir in public opinion about obtaining a doctoral degree within 2 years while previously only having a part-time university degree in law.
Venerable Thich Chan Quang at the graduation ceremony at Hanoi Law University
According to the announcement, Mr. Vuong Tan Viet was born in 1959, passed the second degree course 1 of the university level of law, the form of study and work of Hanoi Law University opened at Bach Viet College, Ho Chi Minh City, in January 2017, graduated in January 2019. Mr. Vuong Tan Viet's first degree is a university degree in English in 2001 at the University of Foreign Languages, now Hanoi University.
Then, in November 2019, Mr. Vuong Tan Viet was admitted to the 25B course (2019 - 2023 school year); in December 2021, he successfully defended his doctoral thesis at the Hanoi Law University; in March 2022, he was awarded a doctorate in constitutional and administrative law.
From the story of Venerable Thich Chan Quang: Is it possible to get a doctorate in 2 years?
Entrance: Bachelor of Law with honors, with one international conference report
In the announcement, Hanoi Law University specifically stated the legal bases applicable to the training process for student Vuong Tan Viet: admission basis; subjects and conditions for admission; admission and admission; training process; training time.
Regarding the subjects and conditions for admission, Mr. Vuong Tan Viet's case satisfies the requirements set by the Ministry of Education and Training as well as by Hanoi Law University.
Accordingly, Clause 1, Article 5 of Circular 08/2017/TT-BGDDT on conditions for doctoral training admission has the following provisions: "Candidates for doctoral training must meet the following conditions: have a university degree with honors or higher or a master's degree...". Before enrolling doctoral students for the second term in 2019, Hanoi Law University announced admission, with admission conditions in accordance with the provisions of Circular 08.
Venerable Thich Chan Quang (middle) at the ceremony to receive his doctorate degree from Hanoi Law University.
Mr. Vuong Tan Viet graduated with a bachelor's degree in law with honors, so he is suitable for the candidates and conditions for applying for a postgraduate degree at Hanoi Law University.
In addition, Circular 08 also stipulates that a candidate for a doctoral degree must be the author of an article or scientific report related to the intended research field published in a scientific journal or proceedings of a peer-reviewed scientific conference or seminar within 3 years (36 months) from the date of application.
Circular 08 also requires candidates to have diplomas and certificates proving foreign language proficiency. Diplomas considered eligible as proof are university degrees in foreign languages issued by Vietnamese training institutions.
Mr. Vuong Tan Viet satisfied both of the above conditions before being admitted to the Hanoi Law University as a PhD student: having a university degree in English; being the author of a scientific report published in the proceedings of a peer-reviewed international scientific conference in 2017.
Output: Publication of two reports in international conferences
During the training process, from December 2019 to June 2021, Mr. Vuong Tan Viet completed the full master's degree training program, including 43 credits of subjects in the major and major out of a total of 60 credits (Mr. Vuong Tan Viet was exempted from 12 credits of thesis and 5 credits of foreign language, according to the regulations in Circular 08).
From 2020 - 2021, Mr. Vuong Tan Viet completed 7 courses of the doctoral training program.
When evaluating the doctoral topic and doctoral thesis defense, Hanoi Law University found that Mr. Vuong Tan Viet had satisfied the following requirements: completed additional courses, doctoral level courses; published 2 reports in foreign languages in the proceedings of international conferences with peer review; received approval from the group or the doctoral supervisor to register the thesis at the professional unit; completed the defense of the overview topic, 3 thesis topics...
Considering that the doctoral student has completed the training program and submitted his thesis to the Hanoi Law University Library and the National Library, Hanoi Law University has awarded a doctoral degree to Mr. Vuong Tan Viet.
Ministry of Education and Training regulations allow shortening of training time
Regarding training time, Hanoi Law University said that the total time of Mr. Vuong Tan Viet's doctoral training (from the time he was recognized as a doctoral student in December 2019 to the decision to recognize his studies and grant his doctoral degree in March 2022) is 2 years and 3 months. This amount of time meets and complies with the doctoral training regulations issued in Circular 08 as well as the regulations of Hanoi Law University.
Specifically, point b, clause 2, article 9 of Circular 08 stipulates: "In special cases, graduate students are allowed to shorten or extend their study time...". Point c, also clause 2, article 9 of Circular 08 stipulates: "The head of the training institution shall consider and decide to allow graduate students to shorten their study time if they fully complete the training program...".
According to Hanoi Law University, on October 3, 2021, Mr. Vuong Tan Viet submitted an application to shorten his training period, which was approved by the school's thesis defense council and the school.
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