Before studying for his degree (in 2017) and becoming a doctoral student (in 2019) at Hanoi Law University, Mr. Vuong Tan Viet graduated with a bachelor's degree in English in 2001 from the University of Foreign Languages (now Hanoi University). In the photo, Mr. Vuong Tan Viet (second from right) received his doctorate in law in April 2022 - Photo: Vietnam Buddhist Sangha Portal
According to information from Hanoi Law University, student Vuong Tan Viet was born in 1959. Before applying for the doctoral program, he graduated with a bachelor's degree in English in 2001 from the University of Foreign Languages (now Hanoi University); graduated with a bachelor's degree in law in 2019 from Hanoi Law University (second degree, part-time program).
Thus, the University of Foreign Languages (now Hanoi University) was the place where Mr. Vuong Tan Viet submitted his high school diploma as a condition for admission to a bachelor's degree.
Regarding information about Mr. Vuong Tan Viet's study process at the University of Foreign Languages (now Hanoi University), speaking with Tuoi Tre Online on August 14, a representative of Hanoi University said that Mr. Vuong Tan Viet studied the English language undergraduate program at the University of Foreign Languages (now Hanoi University), distance learning system. The study period was from 1994 to 2001.
According to the school representative, Hanoi University currently no longer has Mr. Vuong Tan Viet's enrollment records because according to regulations, the enrollment records must be kept until the end of the course.
As for student information, the school keeps it according to regulations, including academic results, admission and graduation decisions of students.
"The school has coordinated with the Department of Higher Education to review and report information about Mr. Vuong Tan Viet's academic records.
After receiving official information from the authorities about Mr. Viet's high school diploma, the School will handle it according to the provisions of the law.
Specifically, according to Clause 3, Article 20 of Circular 08/2021/TT-BGDDT dated March 18, 2021 of the Ministry of Education and Training promulgating the Regulations on university training, it is stipulated that: Students who use fake records, diplomas, and certificates as admission or graduation conditions will be forced to drop out of school; graduation diplomas, if already granted, will be revoked and canceled," said a representative of Hanoi University.
Recently, the Department of Education and Training of Ho Chi Minh City sent a document to the Government Committee for Religious Affairs - Ministry of Home Affairs to verify the high school diploma of Mr. Vuong Tan Viet (Venerable Thich Chan Quang).
According to the Department, on July 30, the Department had a working session with the inspection team of the Government Committee for Religious Affairs - Ministry of Home Affairs to verify the learning process of Mr. Vuong Tan Viet.
The Department of Education and Training confirmed the results of the review of Mr. Vuong Tan Viet's (born in 1959) high school graduation exam records as follows: his name was not on the list of candidates and the score sheet in the 1989 supplementary high school graduation exam of the Department of Education and Training of Ho Chi Minh City; his name was not on the list of candidates granted supplementary high school graduation certificates for the course of June 6, 1989 of the Department of Education and Training of Ho Chi Minh City.
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