Students of Saigon University. In 2024, the school is allowed to enroll 15 pedagogical majors – Photo: NT
The Ministry of Education and Training has announced the assignment of pedagogical quotas to Saigon University.
Accordingly, in 2024, Saigon University will enroll 15 pedagogical majors, an increase of 6 majors compared to the decision to assign quotas in June 2024 by the Ministry of Education and Training.
New majors assigned enrollment targets include: political education, physics pedagogy, chemistry pedagogy, biology pedagogy, history pedagogy and geography pedagogy.
The majors and enrollment targets for regular teacher training in 2024 of Saigon University according to the announcement on July 26 of the Ministry of Education and Training are as follows:
The Ministry of Education and Training has just assigned the target of 6 more pedagogical majors at Saigon University - Photo: MG
Not only has the number of pedagogical majors increased, the enrollment quota for pedagogical majors has also increased, with some majors increasing 4 times compared to the quota assigned in June.
The old quota in the table above is the pedagogical quota that the school registered with the Ministry of Education and Training.
According to Tuoi Tre Online 's investigation, the previous reduction in quotas and the recent decision to increase quotas and assign quotas to 6 new pedagogical majors were due to determining the training needs and paying tuition fees and supporting funds for pedagogical students in Ho Chi Minh City.
Previously, in mid-July, Saigon University announced an adjustment to enrollment quotas for pedagogical majors in 2024. Accordingly, the school will enroll 9 pedagogical majors with the quota for each major being sharply reduced.
Announcement of adjustment of teaching quota in mid-July of Saigon University – Photo: MG
According to the decision to assign enrollment quotas of the Ministry of Education and Training, not only was the enrollment quota of Saigon University cut, but the 6 majors that the school registered for were not assigned enrollment quotas by the Ministry in 2024.
Pedagogical indicators decreased across the board
Pedagogical quotas at universities are assigned by the Ministry of Education and Training to universities. These quotas are based on social needs, orders from provinces and cities, and the training capacity of universities.
Previously, in April, many universities determined their own quotas for the pedagogical sector. However, in June, the Ministry of Education and Training decided to assign quotas to schools in a drastic reduction direction, including national key pedagogical schools.
A series of universities such as Can Tho, Saigon, Hanoi Pedagogical University 2, Pedagogical University (Thai Nguyen University), Hanoi Pedagogical University... have announced a reduction in pedagogical quotas compared to the enrollment plan previously announced by the schools.
Some pedagogical majors at Quy Nhon University and Hanoi Pedagogical University 2 were not assigned enrollment targets this year.
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