Accordingly, the admission score by this method ranges from 22 to 28.88 points.
Journalism is the major with the highest admission score of 28.8 points, followed by Tourism and Travel Services Management with 28.33 points, Cultural Studies with 28.2 points, and Art Studies with 28.15 points.
This year, the average admission scores for the C00 block increased by 2-3 points compared to the 2023 admission scores as predicted.
In particular, the Religious Studies major increased by 5 points (the benchmark score for block C00 in 2023 is 21 points, in 2024 it is 26 points).
The three new majors enrolling in 2024 also have relatively high benchmark scores. Specifically, the Art major has 26.75-28.15 points, the International Studies major has 25.75-27 points, and the Korean Business and Commerce major has 24-26.96 points.
Admission scores for each major are as follows:
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