The 2024 regular university admissions council of Hung Vuong University has announced the threshold to ensure input quality (floor score) for regular university admissions in 2024.
Accordingly, the qualifying scores for submitting an application for admission include priority scores for subjects and regions according to the Admission Regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training: 22 points for high school graduation exam, 24 points for grade 12 learning results for candidates applying for the majors of Mathematics Pedagogy (Math - IT), Literature Pedagogy, English Pedagogy and Primary Education; 28 points for high school graduation exam, 32 points for grade 12 learning results (with the coefficient of gifted subjects multiplied) for candidates applying for the major of Preschool Education; 24 points for high school graduation exam, 26 points for grade 12 learning results (with the coefficient of gifted subjects multiplied) for candidates applying for the majors of Physical Education and Music Pedagogy; 19 points for high school graduation exam, 19 points for grade 12 learning results for candidates applying for the major of Nursing. In addition, the remaining 12 majors will have a floor score of 17 points for the high school graduation exam and 18 points for grade 12 study.
Notably, when registering their wishes on the Ministry of Education and Training's system, candidates only need to choose a major, the system will automatically select the method and combination of admission with the highest score. Therefore, if candidates achieve the above minimum scores, they can confidently choose Hung Vuong University as their first wish on the Ministry of Education and Training's system.
Anh Tho
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