Link to watch live "Beautiful Sister Riding the Wind and Breaking the Waves" episode 14
In episode 14 of "Beautiful Sister Riding the Wind and Breaking the Waves", the 2 groups of Champion candidates face the truth chair with their teammates and open up about the journey they have been through.
Faced with Lynk Lee's straightforward question about whether she ever wanted to stop the journey of "Beautiful Sister Riding the Wind and Breaking the Waves" , My Linh said yes. The singer of "Short Hair" admitted that she wanted to give up and asked to stop playing at the 3rd and 4th performances.
The beautiful ladies shared their experiences.
The Chair of Truth has brought many tears to the beautiful ladies. After a long journey, each beautiful lady is full of thoughts and emotions that she wants to express. Diep Lam Anh and Dieu Nhi are no exception, although these are the two beautiful ladies who cry the least in the program and always bring laughter to everyone.
Phuong Vy saw herself change significantly when participating in the program with 30 beautiful women and accompanying the sisters in the Champion candidate group. She changed from a shy and withdrawn person to an open person, loved and protected by her sisters.
When Lan Ngoc sat on the chair of truth, Uyen Linh suddenly made a special comment about the star of the movie Endless Field. She said: "No matter how cheerful you are. As women, when looking at you, I still see a certain sadness somewhere." Before the unexpected comment of her senior, Lan Ngoc could not hide her emotions and admitted that she felt that she was not yet fulfilled as an actress, her main profession.
The final round of "Beautiful Sister Riding the Wind and Breaking the Waves" is divided into 2 nights: Final 1 and Final 2. The two groups of Champion candidates will perform 3 acts with 3 members, 5 members, and 7 members respectively. The group leaders of the 2 groups are required to participate in performing all 3 acts.
Diep Lam Anh shed tears in episode 14.
Based on the results of performance 5, MLee retained her position as group leader and she was forced to challenge herself to participate in all the performances. In the Dangerous Champion Candidate group at performance 5, the group leader position will change and be elected by the group members. After a discussion, Trang Phap was trusted to be assigned this important role.
The lineup of the 2 Champion Candidate groups includes:
Group 1 includes MLee (group leader), Diep Lam Anh, Le Quyen, Phuong Vy, Hong Nhung, H'Hen Nie, Dieu Nhi.
Group 2 includes Trang Phap (group leader), Lan Ngoc, My Linh, Thu Phuong, Nguyen Ha, Uyen Linh, Lynk Lee.
In Final 1, the two groups will perform two acts, one with 5 members and one with 7 members.
The 5-member group, MLee group performs the Mashup Lý ngưa ô - Ngua ô thương nhớ. Trang Phap group will perform the Mashup Lý tải cá - Mái đình Làng Biển.
In the 7-member group performance, MLee group will perform Mashup Vietnamese - Calligraphy , Trang Phap group will perform Mashup Nam Quoc Son Ha - Dat Nuoc Loi Lu.
Also in this episode, the 2 Champion Candidate groups will draw lots for the song to perform for the 3-member group in the Final night.
Le Chi
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