On December 25, Deputy Prime Minister Tran Hong Ha signed and issued Directive No. 32/CT-TTg of the Prime Minister on continuing to promote fundamental and comprehensive innovation in general education.
The Directive stated that the initial implementation of the 2018 General Education Program has brought about positive changes; the team of teachers and educational managers continues to be consolidated and enhanced; the system of facilities and teaching equipment continues to receive investment attention; the quality of general education is maintained and improved. However, some documents implementing the 2018 General Education Program have been issued slowly, not synchronously and uniformly; the compilation, experimentation and appraisal of textbooks are still limited; the situation of surplus and shortage of teachers has been slowly overcome; facilities and teaching equipment have not met the requirements of innovation.
To continue promoting fundamental and comprehensive innovation of general education according to the resolutions of the Party, the National Assembly, the National Assembly Standing Committee, the Prime Minister requests ministries, branches, relevant agencies and localities, based on their assigned functions and tasks, to continue focusing on effectively implementing the goals, targets, groups of tasks and solutions set out in Resolution No. 29-NQ/TW of the Central Committee on fundamental and comprehensive innovation of education and training; urgently review and advise competent authorities to amend, promulgate or promulgate under their authority documents according to Resolution 686/NQ-UBTVQH15 of the National Assembly Standing Committee on thematic supervision of innovation of general education programs and textbooks, to be completed in 2024.
The Ministry of Education and Training is responsible for developing the Government's Action Plan to implement Resolution No. 686/NQ-UBTVQH15 of the National Assembly Standing Committee, submitting it to the Government in December 2023; completing the Project on investment in facilities and minimum teaching equipment to meet the requirements for implementing the 2018 General Education Program, submitting it to the Prime Minister in 2024. At the same time, continuing to complete and develop the 2018 General Education Program in accordance with the set goals and requirements; completing the planning of the network of higher education and pedagogical institutions, submitting it to the Prime Minister in December 2023.
The Ministry of Education and Training summarizes the implementation of innovation in general education programs and textbooks in 2018, on that basis proposes a plan and reports to the Government to submit to the National Assembly on the organization of compiling a set of textbooks according to the provisions of Resolution No. 88/2014/QH13 of the National Assembly in 2025; issues documents guiding the method of pricing textbooks, ensuring strict control of production and distribution costs to reduce textbook prices; promotes propaganda work, strengthens inspection and examination of the implementation of innovation in general education programs and textbooks.
The Prime Minister assigned the Ministry of Education and Training and the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs to urgently unify the curriculum and content of all levels of education in the national education system. The Ministry of Home Affairs shall direct, inspect and urge localities to recruit teachers according to the assigned payroll, and overcome the surplus and shortage of teachers in educational institutions. The Ministry of Finance shall allocate the budget for education and training and funds to implement the 2018 General Education Program according to the provisions of the State Budget Law.
The Prime Minister assigned the People's Committees of provinces and cities to be responsible for reviewing the planning and development of the network of general education facilities; planning land funds for education and training; promoting socialization and mobilizing investment resources for education; continuing to effectively implement the Project on developing the team of teachers and educational managers, synchronously implementing solutions to solve the surplus and shortage of teachers; recruiting teachers to ensure sufficient staff assigned by competent authorities. At the same time, prioritizing investment resources for facilities and teaching equipment for general education facilities to meet the minimum needs according to the 2018 General Education Program.
Provinces and cities develop and implement plans to support textbooks for policy students, poor households, students from difficult family circumstances, remote areas, students from ethnic minority areas; organize inspection, supervision, synthesis, assessment of the situation and results of task implementation; send to the Ministry of Education and Training before August 15 every year to synthesize and report to the Prime Minister...
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