According to Mr. Lai Xuan Mon, Deputy Head of the Central Propaganda Department, in the new era, all Vietnamese people will develop comprehensively, have a prosperous, free, happy and civilized life.
On November 15, the Scientific Council of the Central Party Agencies and the Editorial Board of the Communist Magazine organized a national scientific conference on “New Era, the Era of Rising of the Vietnamese Nation - Theoretical and Practical Issues”. Starting from new thinking, new actions Speaking at the conference, Associate Professor, Dr. Pham Minh Son, Director of the Academy of Journalism and Communication, said that to successfully implement the “Era of Rising of the Vietnamese Nation”, it is necessary to start from new thinking and new actions in leadership and management. According to Mr. Son, this is the era in which the whole nation strives to think and act for the goal of national development from now until 2045, when our country becomes a developed country with a high average income following a socialist orientation. 

Associate Professor, Dr. Pham Minh Son - Director of the Academy of Journalism and Communication. Photo: Pham Hai
“General Secretary To Lam affirmed that it is necessary to focus on strategic breakthroughs in institutions and development, strongly innovate in personnel work, and complete synchronization and breakthroughs in building and developing strategic infrastructure. In which, the key points are transport infrastructure, digital infrastructure, and energy infrastructure,” said Associate Professor, Dr. Pham Minh Son. According to the Director of the Academy of Journalism and Communication, the condition for successfully implementing the “Era of the Rising of the Vietnamese Nation” is to ensure the Party’s leadership role in national development. More specifically, the role of inspiration and guidance of the strategic-level political leadership team, especially key leaders. At the workshop, Associate Professor, Dr. Le Hai Binh, Editor-in-Chief of Communist Magazine, said that the fourth industrial revolution, with the strong development of advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), Big Data and Cloud computing, has been and is profoundly changing the way of national governance and production and business activities. For Vietnam, this change brings both opportunities and challenges, as the country not only has to improve governance efficiency but also has to seize opportunities to accelerate development, avoiding the risk of falling behind other countries in the region and the world.Associate Professor, Dr. Le Hai Binh - Editor-in-Chief of Communist Magazine
In this context, the aspiration for development becomes the driving force for the whole society, aiming to turn Vietnam into a high-income country, a prosperous society and on par with the world powers. "General Secretary To Lam affirmed that Vietnam has entered a new era, an era of national growth. To realize this aspiration, the national governance system must maximize its role in creating and comprehensively promoting all fields, while maintaining stability and consensus in society," said Associate Professor, Dr. Le Hai Binh. Strongly arousing national spirit Concluding the workshop, according to Mr. Lai Xuan Mon, Deputy Head of the Central Propaganda Department, "The new era, the era of the Vietnamese nation's growth" is an era of breakthrough and accelerated development. In the new era, all Vietnamese people are comprehensively developed, have a prosperous, free, happy and civilized life. The top priority in the new era is to strongly arouse national spirit, patriotism and the desire for development. The time to start the new era is the 14th National Party Congress, the time to complete the renovation process after 40 years of persistent work and creativity and achieve great achievements. great achievementMr. Lai Xuan Mon - Deputy Head of the Central Propaganda Department.
The Deputy Head of the Central Propaganda Department said that the opinions presented at the workshop emphasized key tasks such as: Continuing to strongly innovate the Party's leadership and governance methods; Streamlining the organization and apparatus for effective and efficient operations; Cadres and cadre work; Combating waste... In particular, regarding cadre work, it is necessary to synchronously and drastically deploy solutions, creating fundamental changes in building a cadre team in the new period. Strongly innovate the work of recruiting, training, appointing, rotating, and evaluating cadres in a practical direction, for the sake of finding people. In addition, it is necessary to focus on reviewing, fostering, testing, and screening personnel planned to participate in Party committees and standing committees of Party committees at all levels, especially personnel of the 14th Party Central Committee in the direction of streamlining, virtue, and talent, capable of leading the cause of creating a "new era, an era of national development". According to Mr. Lai Xuan Mon, the discussions were in high agreement with the assessment of General Secretary To Lam: In reality, waste is quite common, in many different forms, and has caused many serious consequences for development. Therefore, the discussions agreed that promoting waste prevention and control is a focus in Party and political system rectification, on par with preventing and fighting corruption and negativity. Resolutely resolve the long-standing problems of important national projects and projects that cause great loss and
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