VNA introduces the full text of Conclusion 127-Kl/TW on implementing research and proposing to continue rearranging the organizational apparatus of the political system, signed and issued by Standing member of the Secretariat Tran Cam Tu.
On behalf of the Politburo, Politburo member and Standing member of the Secretariat Tran Cam Tu signed and issued Conclusion 127-Kl/TW dated February 28, 2025 of the Politburo and the Secretariat on implementing research and proposing to continue to reorganize the apparatus of the political system.
The following is the full text of Conclusion No. 127-KL/TW:
At the meeting on February 28, 2025, after listening to the Central Organizing Committee report on the contents, tasks and progress of the research implementation time, proposing to continue to arrange the organization of the political system according to the direction and conclusions of the Central Committee and the Politburo (Official Dispatch No. 8011-CV/BTCTW, dated February 27, 2025), the Politburo and the Secretariat gave the following opinions:
To ensure the drastic and effective implementation of the tasks and solutions stated in Conclusion No. 121-KL/TW, dated January 24, 2025 of the Party Central Committee on summarizing Resolution No. 18-NQ/TW of the 12th Party Central Committee and Conclusion No. 126-KL/TW, dated February 14, 2025 of the Politburo and the Secretariat on a number of contents and tasks to continue to arrange and streamline the apparatus of the political system in 2025, the Politburo and the Secretariat request Party committees and organizations at all levels to focus on implementing the following contents:
1. Ensure the principles, goals, and requirements according to the conclusions of the Party Central Committee, Politburo, Secretariat, and Central Steering Committee summarizing Resolution 18.
2. Research on the orientation of merging some provincial-level units, not organizing at the district level, merging some commune-level units; implementing the 2-level local model (party organization, government, mass organizations) to ensure streamlining, efficiency, effectiveness, and efficiency. The research must be conducted objectively, democratically, scientifically, specifically, deeply, receptively, and closely following the practical situation; thoroughly overcoming overlapping functions and tasks, division in areas, fields, and cumbersome intermediate organizations; ensuring smooth, effective, and efficient operations, enhancing the leadership and governing role of the Party, and meeting the requirements of tasks in the new period.
3. Determine the highest political determination, implement according to the motto "running while queuing" to complete the work with a very large volume, requiring high quality and progress to submit to the Central Executive Committee of the Party in mid-April 2025.
4. Party committees, agencies and organizations assigned with tasks must coordinate closely and promptly to ensure quality, efficiency and progress of implementation. The process of arranging and streamlining the organizational apparatus must ensure regular and continuous operation of agencies and organizations, without interruption, and without affecting the activities of the Party, State, people and businesses.
5. Focus on thoroughly grasping and creating high unity in awareness and responsibility of the entire political system from the central to local levels, ensuring close coordination, proactive participation in related contents and tasks, especially paying attention to propaganda work, orienting ideology and public opinion, creating consensus among cadres, party members, civil servants, public employees and people of all walks of life.
1. Develop a project to merge some provincial-level administrative units, not organize at the district level, continue to merge commune-level administrative units
The Government Party Committee shall preside over and coordinate with the Central Organizing Committee, the National Assembly Party Committee, the Fatherland Front Party Committee, central mass organizations and relevant agencies to direct the research and development of a project and a report to the Politburo on the merger of a number of provincial-level administrative units, not organizing at the district level, and continuing to merge commune-level administrative units, including:
(1) For provincial level: In addition to the basis of population size and area, it is necessary to carefully study the national master plan, regional planning, local planning, socio-economic development strategy, industry development, expanding development space, promoting comparative advantages, meeting development requirements for each locality and requirements, development orientation of the new stage... as the basis, scientific basis for arrangement.
(2) For commune level: It is necessary to clearly define models of local government at commune level for urban, rural, mountainous, delta, island areas, population size, area, history, culture, socio-economic issues, national defense, security, ethnicity, religion... Develop functions, tasks, powers, organizational structure, and staffing of local government at commune level.
(3) Clarify the working relationship between local government levels (between provincial and communal levels); the vertical working relationship from the central to communal levels (between ministries, central branches, specialized departments and units and individuals in charge of each field), ensuring smooth, synchronous, interconnected, effective and efficient operations; clearly define the conditions to ensure effective operation of communal-level governments before, during and after the reorganization.
- The Government Party Committee urgently implements and ensures specific progress as follows:
Report to the Politburo for policy before asking for opinions from Party committees and organizations no later than March 9, 2025.
+ Receive comments from the Politburo and the Secretariat, complete the project and send it to the provincial Party Committees, municipal Party Committees, Party Committees directly under the Central Committee, agencies, organizations, and Central Party Committees for comments no later than March 12, 2025.
+ Receive comments from provincial Party Committees, municipal Party Committees, Party Committees directly under the Central Committee, agencies, organizations, and Central Party Committees, complete the project, and report to the Politburo and the Secretariat before March 27, 2025.
+ Receive opinions from the Politburo, the Secretariat, and agencies, complete the project and submission; submit to the Party Central Committee (through the Central Organizing Committee) before April 7, 2025.
2. Develop a project to arrange and streamline the agencies of the Fatherland Front, socio-political organizations, and mass organizations assigned by the Party and State (central, provincial, and communal levels) after merger and consolidation.
- Assign the Party Committee of the Fatherland Front and Central organizations to preside over and coordinate with the Central Organizing Committee, the Government Party Committee, the National Assembly Party Committee and relevant agencies to research orientations, develop projects and submit to the Politburo on:
(1) General review of functions, tasks, and organizational structure of affiliated agencies and organizations, especially press agencies, to ensure unified management and effective operations in the direction of maximum streamlining, maintaining only really necessary units.
(2) Reorganize socio-political organizations and mass organizations assigned by the Party and State to be directly under the Central Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front (in sync with the current party organizational structure).
- The Party Committee of the Fatherland Front and Central organizations urgently implement and ensure specific progress as follows:
+ Report to the Politburo for the policy before asking for opinions from Party committees and organizations at all levels no later than March 9, 2025.
+ Receive comments from the Politburo and the Secretariat, complete the project and send it to the provincial Party Committees, municipal Party Committees, Party Committees directly under the Central Committee, agencies, organizations, and Central Party Committees for comments no later than March 12, 2025.
+ Receive comments from provincial Party Committees, municipal Party Committees, Party Committees directly under the Central Committee, agencies, organizations, and Central Party Committees, complete the project, and report to the Politburo and the Secretariat before March 27, 2025.
+ Receive opinions from the Politburo, the Secretariat, and agencies, complete the project and submission; submit to the Party Central Committee (through the Central Organizing Committee) before April 7, 2025.
3. Develop a project on the local party organization system (provincial and communal levels); develop reports and submissions to the Central Executive Committee of the Party.
- Assign the Central Organizing Committee to preside over and coordinate with research agencies to develop a project on the local party organization system (provincial and communal levels, focusing on researching the model of a synchronous party organization system corresponding to the government organization; promote upgrading and delegating power to grassroots party organizations), report to the Politburo for policy according to the general progress (send for comments to provincial and municipal party committees, central party agencies, organizations and committees no later than March 12, 2025).
- Assign the Central Organizing Committee to synthesize the project and submission on the arrangement and streamlining of the apparatus of local governments at all levels of agencies and units (Party Committees: Government, Fatherland Front, Central organizations, Supreme People's Court, Supreme People's Procuracy) and related contents; develop a comprehensive report; report to the Politburo before April 7, 2025; receive, complete, and submit to the Central Executive Committee of the Party before April 9, 2025.
4. Develop a project on the system of courts and procuracies at the local level in the direction of not organizing at the district level.
- Assign the Party Committee of the Supreme People's Court and the Party Committee of the Supreme People's Procuracy to preside over and coordinate with relevant agencies to research and develop projects and reports to the Politburo on the system of courts and procuracies at the local level in the direction of not organizing at the district level, and report to the Politburo for approval before asking for opinions from Party committees and organizations at all levels no later than March 9, 2025.
- The Party Committee of the Supreme People's Court and the Party Committee of the Supreme People's Procuracy urgently implement and ensure specific progress as follows:
+ Report to the Politburo for the policy before asking for opinions from Party committees and organizations at all levels no later than March 9, 2025.
+ Receive comments from the Politburo and the Secretariat, complete the project and send it to the provincial Party Committees, municipal Party Committees, Party Committees directly under the Central Committee, agencies, organizations, and Central Party Committees for comments no later than March 12, 2025.
+ Receive comments from provincial Party Committees, municipal Party Committees, Party Committees directly under the Central Committee, agencies, organizations, and Central Party Committees, complete the project, and report to the Politburo and the Secretariat before March 27, 2025.
+ Receive opinions from the Politburo, the Secretariat, and agencies, complete the project and submission; submit to the Party Central Committee (through the Central Organizing Committee) before April 7, 2025.
5. Develop a project to continue restructuring the Army organization
The Central Military Commission is assigned to base on Conclusion No. 126-KL/TW of the Politburo and the Secretariat to preside over and coordinate with relevant agencies to direct research and develop a plan to continue to arrange the appropriate organization of the Army (including the organization of district-level military agencies), proactively propose a time to report to the Politburo according to the progress of this Conclusion.
6. Review, amend and supplement Party regulations, the Constitution and State laws.
- Assign the Central Organizing Committee; Central Inspection Committee; Party Committees of Central Party agencies; Government Party Committee; National Assembly Party Committee; Fatherland Front Party Committee, Central mass organizations and relevant agencies in the process of preparing projects, proactively review, propose amendments and supplements to the Party Charter, Regulations on the implementation of the Party Charter, on the inspection, supervision and discipline work of the Party, on Party congresses at all levels, on the conclusion of activities of district-level Party committees and Party regulations and instructions related to Party building work, the local Party organization system, report to the Politburo according to the general progress, submit to the Central Party Executive Committee before April 9, 2025 (in accordance with the progress of completing the Central submission).
- Assign the National Assembly Party Committee to preside over and coordinate with the Government Party Committee to direct the Party Committee of the Law and Justice Committee, the Party Committee of the Ministry of Justice and relevant agencies to study the amendment and supplementation of a number of articles of the Constitution within the scope of issues on the organization of the political system, report to the Politburo in early March 2025 to submit to the Party Central Committee (through the Central Organization Committee) before April 7, 2025; the time to complete the amendment and supplementation of a number of articles of the Constitution is no later than June 30, 2025.
- Assign the Government Party Committee, the National Assembly Party Committee (according to scope and field) to preside over and direct the Ministry of Justice Party Committee, the Law and Justice Committee Party Committee and relevant agencies to study and propose amendments and supplements to the Law on Organization of Local Government, the Law on Cadres and Civil Servants, the Inspection Law, the Planning Law, the Law on Election of National Assembly Deputies and People's Council Deputies, the Law on Promulgation of Legal Documents, the Law on Organization of People's Courts, the Law on Organization of People's Procuracies, relevant laws, documents and decrees on mechanisms and policies for cadres, civil servants, public employees and workers affected by the reorganization of local administrative units and the handling of state assets after the reorganization of local apparatus, report to the Politburo according to the general progress and complete the amendments and supplements to the law no later than June 30, 2025.
- Assign the Party Committee of the Fatherland Front and Central mass organizations to preside over and coordinate with relevant agencies to study, amend and supplement regulations and instructions related to the arrangement and streamlining of Fatherland Front agencies, socio-political organizations, and mass organizations assigned by the Party and State (central, provincial and communal levels), report to the Politburo and the Secretariat for consideration according to their authority and complete no later than June 30, 2025.
7. Temporarily suspend the organization of party congresses at commune and district levels.
After the 11th Conference, the Party Central Committee and the Politburo will have specific instructions and guidance.
1- Assign the Central Organizing Committee, the Central Inspection Committee, the Central Party Office; Party Committees: the Government; the National Assembly; the Fatherland Front, central organizations; the Supreme People's Court; the Supreme People's Procuracy; the Ministry of Justice; the Ministry of Home Affairs and Party committees and organizations at all levels to base on this Conclusion to concretize and organize implementation; ensure overall, synchronous, and interconnected tasks, with close coordination between agencies and organizations to implement on schedule and with the required quality.
The process of developing projects requires careful attention to assessing the impact of the arrangement plan, forecasting, identifying difficulties, problems, and shortcomings that arise, and developing specific solutions; ensuring that the new organization operates effectively, efficiently, and smoothly, without interrupting work.
2. Assign the Central Propaganda and Mass Mobilization Commission to develop a plan and promptly direct the propaganda content on the policy of rearranging and streamlining the organizational apparatus of the Politburo and the Central Executive Committee of the Party accordingly; Party committees at all levels, Party organizations, agencies and units proactively disseminate and coordinate to widely propagate the policy of rearranging and streamlining the organizational apparatus; do a good job of political and ideological work, create high consensus and unity in society, especially among cadres and Party members; focus on leadership and direction to ensure that it does not affect the operations of agencies, organizations and units.
3. Assign the inspection delegations of the Politburo and the Secretariat to proactively disseminate, discuss, and grasp the situation regarding the policy of reorganizing and streamlining the organizational apparatus in localities. The Central Inspection Committee shall preside over the synthesis and report to the Politburo.
4. Assign Politburo and Secretariat members according to their fields and localities to lead and direct Party committees, Party organizations, agencies, units and localities to thoroughly grasp and strictly implement the contents stated in this Conclusion.
5. The Central Organizing Committee and the Central Party Office shall preside over and coordinate with relevant agencies to monitor and urge Party committees, agencies, units and localities to implement this Conclusion to ensure the quality and progress set forth. During the implementation process, Party committees, agencies, units and localities shall promptly report to the Politburo, the Secretariat and the Central Steering Committee to summarize Resolution 18 (through the Central Organizing Committee) when any problems arise./.
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