On the morning of August 7, comrade Pham Quang Ngoc, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee, Head of the Steering Committee for the National Target Programs of the province chaired the conference to review the first 6 months of the implementation of the National Target Program on New Rural Development (NTM), and deploy tasks for the last months of the year. Also attending were members of the Steering Committee for the implementation of the National Target Program on New Rural Development of the province.
2023 is the mid-term review year and also the pivotal year of the 5-year plan 2021-2025, which is a premise for Ninh Binh province to complete the task of building new rural areas by 2024 in accordance with the goals of the Resolution of the 22nd Ninh Binh Provincial Party Congress, term 2020-2025 and the Resolution of the Provincial Party Executive Committee on building new rural areas for the period 2021-2025, with a vision to 2030.
With such significance and importance, from the beginning of 2023, Ninh Binh has set a goal of having 20 more communes meeting advanced NTM standards, 4 communes meeting model NTM standards; Kim Son district is recognized as meeting NTM standards; 2 districts (Hoa Lu, Yen Khanh) are recognized as meeting advanced NTM standards; by the end of 2023, Ninh Binh province will have enough conditions to complete the dossier for consideration of recognition of the province completing the task of building NTM.
The whole province is determined to continue to promote the emulation movement "The whole country joins hands to build new rural areas", successfully implementing the set goals and tasks of building new rural areas in 2023. After 6 months of implementation, the National Target Program on building new rural areas has achieved some outstanding results.
The Central Appraisal Council has met and agreed to submit to the Prime Minister for decision to recognize Kim Son district as meeting the new rural standards; Yen Khanh and Hoa Lu districts are in the process of completing self-assessment and review dossiers to consider recognizing the district as meeting the advanced new rural standards; 3 communes have completed dossiers to propose recognition as meeting the advanced new rural standards, and 1 commune has completed dossiers to propose recognition as meeting the model new rural standards.
According to the assessment, currently, the communes have basically met the progress of the recognition of meeting the standards according to the 2023 plan. Up to now, the whole province has 5/6 districts meeting the NTM standards, 2/2 cities have been recognized for completing the task of building the NTM; 119/119 communes have met the NTM standards; 30/119 communes have met the advanced NTM standards; 14/119 communes have met the model NTM standards. Up to now, the whole Ninh Binh province has 101 OCOP-rated products, including 68 4-star products and 33 3-star products.
The total capital mobilized for the Program in the first 6 months of the year reached 1,729.8 billion VND, of which: The provincial budget directly supported the Program with 255 billion VND; the district and commune budgets were 610.8 billion VND; the combined capital from other programs and projects was 101.7 billion VND; credit capital was 90.8 billion VND; enterprise capital was 69 billion VND; capital mobilized from community contributions and self-investment was 602.4 billion VND.
The tasks for the last 6 months of the year are: Yen Khanh district and Hoa Lu district are recognized as districts meeting advanced NTM standards; completing documents, considering recognition of 20 communes meeting advanced NTM standards, 4 communes meeting model NTM standards; completing conditions and regulations for the province to complete the task of building NTM. OCOP program, classifying 49 products meeting OCOP standards from 3 stars or higher.

After listening to the report on the first 6 months of the year and the speeches of the members of the Steering Committee for the implementation of the Provincial New Rural Construction Program, Comrade Pham Quang Ngoc, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee, Head of the Steering Committee for the Provincial National Target Programs affirmed: With great political will and determination, in the Resolution of the 22nd Provincial Party Congress, it was determined that building Ninh Binh to meet the standards of a new rural province by 2024 is a goal of the term. Therefore, in the process of deployment and implementation, the province has had a roadmap and specific steps, meeting the set goals and tasks. The recognition of advanced new rural communes and model new rural communes basically ensures the requirements, progress and quality set forth.
For the two districts of Yen Khanh and Hoa Lu, it is necessary to speed up the progress of building a new rural district even faster, in which Hoa Lu district alone needs to coordinate with relevant sectors to report and explain specifically about the two criteria that have not been met, on that basis the province will discuss, work, propose a report to the Ministry of Home Affairs, determined to submit the dossier this year. The remaining districts continue to study and develop a roadmap, make specific proposals to the province to achieve the advanced new rural standards with the viewpoint that in this period, not to focus much on funding and resources for building infrastructure but to focus on production, culture, labor, employment, and improving income and living standards for the people.
Continue to promote the movement of building new rural areas, in which the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development needs to closely monitor the criteria, guide communes registering to meet advanced and model new rural standards this year to complete conditions and procedures.
Regarding the organization of evaluation and classification of OCOP products, the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee proposed to improve quality and ensure that standards are put first; pay attention to post-investment support for products to ensure fairness, efficiency and substance.
Nguyen Thom-Anh Tuan
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