On September 23, the National Traffic Safety Committee, the Ministry of Education and Training and Honda Vietnam Company jointly organized a program to give helmets to first-grade students (school year 2024-2025) nationwide. The program's launching ceremony was held at Van Bao Primary School (Ha Dong District, Hanoi).
This meaningful and practical activity is a continuation of the program "Giving helmets to first graders" jointly implemented by the parties nationwide since 2018. Along with the decision to give more than 1.7 million helmets to first graders nationwide, up to now, the total number of helmets given has reached nearly 10.3 million helmets - demonstrating the determination of the Organizing Committee in actively joining hands with the Government to realize the national goal of traffic safety.
The organizing committee decided to donate more than 1.7 million helmets to first graders nationwide and provide traffic safety training for parents in the 2024-2025 school year. |
Joining hands with the Government to realize the goal of "No deaths due to road traffic accidents" by 2045, continuing the successes achieved from the Helmet Donation Program for Students in recent years, the Organizing Committee decided to donate more than 1.7 million helmets to first graders nationwide in combination with traffic safety training for parents in the 2024-2025 school year. "This humane and meaningful program comes from the awareness of the important role of wearing standard helmets in protecting traffic participants. Especially for first graders - an important age for forming awareness and thinking, creating for them the habit of always wearing a standard helmet when sitting behind a motorbike is extremely necessary. The lovely helmets that meet national technical standards given to the children on their first days of first grade will be a memorable memory in the first school year, becoming a premise for the habit of always wearing standard helmets when participating in traffic," said Mr. Le Kim Thanh, Vice Chairman of the National Traffic Safety Committee.
Mr. Le Kim Thanh, Vice Chairman of the National Traffic Safety Committee, spoke. |
The decision to donate more than 1.7 million qualified helmets in the 2024-2025 school year aims to form the habit of wearing helmets among motorbike users in Vietnam, thereby increasing the rate of wearing helmets that meet national technical standards to 100%; raise awareness of traffic safety for students and parents through training and communication activities; coordinate with the Government to increase patrols, control and strictly handle violations related to the production, trade and use of helmets that do not meet national technical standards in localities, especially in large cities.
For first graders - an important age for forming awareness and thinking, creating a habit for them to always wear a standard helmet when sitting behind a motorbike is extremely necessary. |
At the ceremony, the parties agreed and signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the above contents and expected that through this helmet donation event, more than 1.7 million students and 300,000 parents will be trained in knowledge and skills to participate in safe traffic, thereby gradually contributing to realizing the Government's goal of "No deaths due to road traffic accidents" by 2045.
Source: https://nhandan.vn/trao-tang-hon-17-trieu-mu-bao-hiem-cho-hoc-sinh-lop-1-toan-quoc-post832642.html
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