President Vo Van Thuong sent a congratulatory message at the opening of the Conference. (Photo: TC) |
Sending a message to the Conference, on behalf of the State and People of Vietnam, President Vo Van Thuong warmly welcomed the delegations and distinguished guests to the 9th Global Conference of Young Parliamentarians organized by the National Assembly of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam in coordination with the Inter-Parliamentary Union in the capital Hanoi, the City for Peace, the city of hospitality, the center of convergence and crystallization of Vietnamese culture.
President Vo Van Thuong said, “Youth is the spring of society”, the age of “moving mountains and filling seas”. Young people have great advantages in taking advantage of opportunities, especially those brought about by the Fourth Industrial Revolution. They are the force holding the key to opening new doors, new ways of thinking and doing to effectively handle common global challenges in the present and the future.
The President highly appreciated the theme “The role of youth in promoting the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals through digital transformation and innovation” of this Conference because it reflects our common concern on how to take advantage of the remarkable achievements brought about by science, technology and innovation, strengthen international cooperation and linkages to further accelerate the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals, and expand the participation of youth in solving global issues, contributing to peace and prosperity for all countries in the world.
The President believes that the Vietnamese National Assembly will continue to cooperate with parliaments of other countries to turn recommendations and resolutions of the Inter-Parliamentary Union in general and the Global Conference of Young Parliamentarians in particular into concrete actions, thereby making practical and effective contributions to peace, stability and sustainable development in the region and the world.
At the same time, I hope that each young parliamentarian will be a dynamic and creative Ambassador of friendship, connecting parliaments and people of all countries for a better world for everyone.
National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue at the opening ceremony. (Photo: TC) |
The opening ceremony was chaired by Ms. Emma Tangi Muteka - Member of Parliament of Namibia, member of the Executive Board of the IPU Young Parliamentarians Forum.
The event was attended by Politburo member, Chairman of the National Assembly of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam Vuong Dinh Hue; Ms. Truong Thi Mai, Politburo member, Permanent member of the Secretariat, Head of the Central Organization Commission; Mr. Tran Thanh Man, Politburo member, Permanent Vice Chairman of the National Assembly of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam; Mr. Le Hoai Trung, Party Central Committee member, Head of the Party Central Committee's External Relations Commission; Mr. Nguyen Anh Tuan, Party Central Committee member, Chairman of the Group of Young National Assembly Deputies of Vietnam; Mr. Nguyen Anh Tuan, Party Central Committee member, Chairman of the Group of Young National Assembly Deputies of Vietnam.
Also present were Vice Chairmen of the National Assembly; Members of the Standing Committee of the National Assembly of Vietnam; representatives of leaders of ministries, branches, and central agencies of the Party and State of Vietnam; more than 500 young parliamentarians and delegates from IPU member parliaments and representatives of international organizations; Ambassadors, representatives of foreign diplomatic missions and international organizations in Vietnam.
On the international side, there were Mr. Duarte Pacheco, President of the Inter-Parliamentary Union; Mr. Martin Chungong, Secretary General of the Inter-Parliamentary Union; Mr. Dan Carden, President of the IPU Young Parliamentarians' Forum, Member of the House of Representatives, United Kingdom; Ms. Cynthia Lopez Castro, President of the IPU Women Parliamentarians' Forum.
On behalf of the Vietnamese National Assembly and the Vietnamese people, National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue warmly welcomed the President and Secretary General of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU), Chairman of the IPU Young Parliamentarians Forum, delegations of member and observer parliaments, and invited guests attending the 9th Global Conference of Young Parliamentarians held in Hanoi - the city for peace, the thousand-year-old capital of Vietnam.
International delegates attending the 9th Global Conference of Young Parliamentarians. (Photo: TC) |
The National Assembly Chairman said that Vietnam proposed the initiative and was honored and proud to be chosen by the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) as the host country to organize the 9th Global Meeting of Young Parliamentarians. Following the success of the 132nd IPU Assembly (2015), the 26th APPF Conference (2018) and the 41st AIPA General Assembly (2020), the Vietnamese National Assembly hosting the Global Meeting of Young Parliamentarians this time continues to affirm Vietnam's active, proactive and responsible participation in the IPU; at the same time, it shows Vietnam's priority and concern for youth and current global issues of young people.
Informing about the theme "The role of youth in promoting the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals through digital transformation and innovation" and the thematic discussion sessions on Digital Transformation, Innovation and Entrepreneurship and Promoting Respect for Cultural Diversity for Sustainable Development, the National Assembly Chairman asked the delegates attending the Conference to actively exchange and discuss the main contents.
Emphasizing that youth are the force that shoulder the historic mission and responsibility in the integration and development of each country and the common prosperity of the world, the National Assembly Chairman expressed his belief that each young parliamentarian from member parliaments will promote their intelligence, youth, creativity, responsibility and enthusiasm to actively contribute to the success of the Conference.
President of the Inter-Parliamentary Union Duarte Pacheco. (Photo: TC) |
Emphasizing the role of youth and young people in the development of each country, President of the Inter-Parliamentary Union Duarte Pacheco said that we need conferences like this to unite young parliamentarians and strengthen their influence by learning from each other and exchanging development strategies for the future...
The world faces challenges greater than any we have seen in the past, said Inter-Parliamentary Union President Duarte Pacheco. The Sustainable Development Goals and our Common Agenda are meant to address the challenges we face. However, we are halfway there, but we are falling far behind.
Believing that the 9th Global Conference of Young Parliamentarians will contribute to promoting the role of young parliamentarians in parliamentary activities, President of the Inter-Parliamentary Union Duarte Pacheco hopes that young parliamentarians will have very practical and effective exchanges to improve and change the common problems that our world is facing, towards a better future.
Panorama of the opening session. (Photo: TC) |
Expressing his honor to speak at the Global Young Parliamentarians Conference, Chairman of the IPU Young Parliamentarians Forum, UK MP Dan Carden shared his sadness about the natural disaster in Morocco as well as the fire in a mini apartment building in Hanoi. The Chairman of the IPU Young Parliamentarians Forum thanked the host country for its hospitality and generosity in welcoming the delegations to the beautiful city of Hanoi.
The Chairman of the IPU Young Parliamentarians Forum said that the brutal image of the Vietnam War has been deeply imprinted in the minds of many people, the history of thousands of years of national development has been encapsulated in a period of war, but that war has become a catalyst for the Vietnamese people to have the motivation to develop further, at the same time this is also proof of the necessity of the globalization process, reminding us not to be caught up in narrow geopolitical competitive thinking.
Chairman of the IPU Young Parliamentarians' Forum, UK MP Dan Carden. (Photo: TC) |
The Chairman of the IPU Young Parliamentarians Forum believes that this forum with the participation of diverse delegates will bring diverse perspectives on the world and history. We have gone through a period when the world's great powers were blinded by ambitions for power, we need to learn from the lessons of the past.
Today, we are facing unprecedented problems in human history, crises that threaten our existence. There can be no solution to the problem of climate change without the cooperation and solidarity of the international community. Our generation is growing stronger and stronger, we all feel the urgency to solve common problems. It is time to overcome our differences and think about solutions from economic and social perspectives, finding medium- and long-term solutions to global problems and challenges.
In his speech at the Opening Ceremony, Secretary General of the Inter-Parliamentary Union Martin Chungong said that the Global Conference of Young Parliamentarians was held on the same day as World Democracy Day and asked delegates to say “Happy World Democracy Day” to those sitting next to them.
Inter-Parliamentary Union Secretary General Martin Chungong expressed his pleasure to be present at this important event and thanked the Vietnamese National Assembly for hosting the 9th Global Conference of Young Parliamentarians.
Mr. Martin Chungong appreciated Vietnam for its significant progress in many areas including digital technology, with Vietnam’s strong commitment to combining the two aspects of technology and youth empowerment; and welcomed the Organizing Committee for its inclusive approach in engaging youth and young parliamentarians in the preparation of this conference.
Mr. Martin Chungong said that at the 132nd IPU Assembly in 2015 held in Vietnam, the IPU launched the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It was a special milestone and demonstrated our shared commitment to solving the world's most pressing problems. The Hanoi Declaration was adopted, helping to make these goals a reality.
Inter-Parliamentary Union Secretary General Martin Chungong speaks. (Photo: TC) |
However, making commitments alone cannot bring about change; our responsibility is to turn words into actions. He applauded Vietnam for integrating its commitments into concrete actions. Legislative bodies have enacted appropriate laws and reforms directly related to the SDGs, addressing issues such as poverty reduction, gender equality, environmental protection and climate change.
At the international level, the IPU has facilitated cross-border cooperation, helping stakeholders share good practices and forge new partnerships. It has provided the technical platform and tools to support parliaments. In recent years, the IPU has formalized its belief in the power of technology to advance the SDGs, in particular through its new Strategy for 2022-2026. IPU members focus on innovation and digital transformation as central to the implementation of the digital transformation strategy.
To this end, the IPU established the Parliamentary Innovation Hub in 2018 to bring parliaments together to facilitate collaboration and knowledge sharing. We are also organising forward-looking events, such as the Future Committees Summit, co-hosted by the Uruguayan Parliament in late September 2023. Through these initiatives and more, the IPU is strengthening good practices on how parliaments can take concrete steps to make the most of the digital age.
This requires revising procedures to enhance online engagement of parliamentarians so that they can do their jobs more easily. Developing new platforms for parliamentarians and parliamentarians to connect with their constituents to contribute to parliament. Establishing or strengthening forward-looking parliamentary bodies, such as the Future Committee, to anticipate and address long-term trends or future shocks; and encouraging the full inclusion of youth perspectives in these committees. At the same time, consider avoiding online spaces being used as breeding grounds for gender-based violence. This is why the IPU calls on parliaments to put in place policies and procedures to prevent and address technology-enabled harassment and violence against parliamentarians.
Inter-Parliamentary Union Secretary General Martin Chungong emphasized that young parliamentarians play an important role as a driving force for progress and development, contributing innovative perspectives and solutions to parliamentary processes; at the same time, sharing practices, raising the voice of young parliamentarians on issues of greatest concern and connecting better with young people.
This conference is a reminder that there is a disparity between young women and men. The contribution of young women is essential not only in parliament, but also in the broader global mission to advance the SDGs through digital transformation and innovation. As young parliamentarians, we need to be champions of greater gender equality, and the IPU is committed to this goal.
Concluding his speech, Secretary General of the Inter-Parliamentary Union Martin Chungong emphasized: As young people, playing a central role in this journey, your passion, enthusiasm and dedication in promoting the SDGs through digital transformation and innovation, is a guiding light for all of us; IPU is proud to accompany and ready to support young people in this mission.
Chairman of the Young National Assembly Delegates Group of Vietnam Nguyen Anh Tuan. (Photo: TC) |
At the event, introducing the context of Vietnam, Chairman of the Vietnam Young National Assembly Delegates Group Nguyen Anh Tuan said that Vietnam is currently a country with a young population. With the special attention of the Communist Party of Vietnam and the Vietnamese National Assembly for the young generation, in 2015, the Standing Committee of the 13th National Assembly established the Vietnam Young National Assembly Delegates Group, consisting of National Assembly deputies under the age of 45. This is a forum that brings together young National Assembly deputies to discuss and propose issues related to youth and children during the activities of the National Assembly, a mechanism to foster and promote the contributions of young deputies in the activities of the National Assembly and to exchange, learn and share with young parliamentarians from countries around the world on issues of common concern to youth and children.
Like young parliamentarians in other countries, the presence of young Vietnamese National Assembly deputies has actively contributed to the process of innovation in the activities of the National Assembly, becoming a bridge to bring the voice of young people to the National Assembly in the process of legislation, supreme supervision and decision on important issues of the country. Along with that, young Vietnamese National Assembly deputies have actively participated in parliamentary diplomacy activities, multilateral and bilateral forums.
Expressing his joy and gratitude to the Inter-Parliamentary Union for trusting Vietnam to host this very important Conference, the Chairman of the Vietnamese Young Parliamentarians Group said that in the recent past, with the attention and facilitation of the National Assembly, especially the Chairman of the Vietnamese National Assembly Vuong Dinh Hue, the President, the Secretary General of the IPU and the Chairman of the World Young Parliamentarians Forum, along with their responsibilities, the young Vietnamese National Assembly deputies have had many opportunities and actively participated in the preparation of the Conference, directly giving opinions to build the contents, programs, activities and carry out other tasks, contributing to the overall success of the Conference.
The Chairman of the Vietnam Young Parliamentarians Group hopes that this will be a great opportunity to learn from experiences, share concerns and expand cooperation with young parliamentarians in the Inter-Parliamentary Union community. Vietnamese National Assembly deputies are particularly interested in the theme of the Conference “The role of youth in promoting the implementation of sustainable development goals through digital transformation and innovation”. Continuing the content of previous Conferences, this theme has met 3 important goals: addressing global issues that all countries need to work together to solve; meeting the inherent needs of young people and being consistent with Vietnam's development orientation in the coming period.
In Vietnam, the National Assembly is promoting the completion of the legal framework and institutional foundation for digital transformation, innovation and startups; preserving and promoting the country's cultural values in the context of deep international integration. Young Vietnamese National Assembly deputies are aware of their responsibilities and are committed to actively and effectively participating in the process of building and completing institutions and legal frameworks; effectively participating in monitoring policy implementation and conveying the Conference's message to young voters.
The Chairman of the Vietnam Young National Assembly Delegates Group hopes that the joint statement adopted at this Conference will be a driving force contributing to the effective implementation of the goals of digital transformation, innovation, entrepreneurship, promoting respect for cultural diversity for sustainable development; at the same time, promoting youth empowerment, expanding youth participation in democratic processes and participating in solving current global issues.
At the opening session, delegates attending the conference also heard speeches by Ms. Trinh Thi Tu Anh, National Assembly delegate of Lam Dong province, Mr. Tomas Lamanauskas, Deputy Secretary General of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) with recorded speeches.
With the theme "The role of youth in promoting the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals through digital transformation and innovation", the 9th Global Conference of Young Parliamentarians will focus on discussing and clarifying the issue through 3 thematic discussion sessions including: (1) Digital transformation; (2) Innovation and entrepreneurship; (3) Promoting respect for cultural diversity for sustainable development.
Attending the 9th Global Conference were more than 300 young parliamentarians and delegates from more than 70 IPU member parliaments and representatives of international organizations; Ambassadors, representatives of foreign diplomatic missions and international organizations in Vietnam; 124 members of the Vietnam Young National Assembly Delegation; 20 outstanding young people of Vietnam; 20 young provincial People's Council delegates of Vietnam...
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