Teachers pointed out that question 31 of the 2023 high school graduation exam code 401 has two correct answers. Specifically, the question requires candidates to find the word that needs to be corrected in the sentence: "Their pioneering (A) research showed that the learning motivation of the two groups of learners was quite distinctive (B) from each other, and the comparative (C) group whose learning motivation was stronger performed better than the control (D) group".
However, according to the requirements, candidates can only choose 1 correct answer, which makes it difficult for students and teachers to determine the most correct answer.
English questions for high school graduation exam 2023.
Teachers are wondering whether B or C are correct in this sentence. Because the word "distinctive from" (B) does not have a meaning in the Cambridge and Oxford dictionaries. The dictionaries explain "distinctive" as characteristic, typical, usually combined with nouns and not with "from". The correct usage is "distinct from".
If you choose answer C from "comparative group" it will also be accepted because this word uses the wrong term, more suitable should be "comparison group".
Therefore, teachers proposed that the Ministry of Education and Training should recognize both answers B and C so as not to disadvantage candidates.
Similarly, question 18 of test 401 also caused controversy, with the requirement to fill in the blank: The journalist is talking about having a new______ published in the local newspaper next week.
The four suggested answers are: A. editor; B. documentary; C. cartoon; D. article. Candidates choosing C or D are both correct.
Article (answer D) is suitable for the subject "journalist". However, answer C - cartoon (cartoon/comic/comic) can also be suitable for "published in the local newspaper". This is one of many items that often appear in foreign newspapers. Therefore, the answer "cartoon" sounds awkward but is not wrong in terms of content and grammar.
Prof. Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Ha, Deputy Director of the Department of Quality Management, Ministry of Education and Training - Head of the high school graduation exam committee, said that he had received the feedback. Regarding question 18, Mr. Ha said that the English exam committee confirmed that D - article was the correct answer.
Specifically, "cartoon" means an animated film (a film that is made by photographing a series of drawings - Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English). With this meaning, "cartoon" does not fit the context of "newspaper". Therefore, of the four choices, D is the correct answer.
Regarding question 31, Mr. Ha said that the exam committee is reviewing and will respond later.
Ha Cuong
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