The film is a psychological and emotional genre, revolving around the difficult, hurtful and mysterious life of a woman named Mai; and according to the producer, "mai" also means spring, hope for tomorrow's future. Tran Thanh said he has high expectations for the third film in his career because he has spent a lot of effort preparing since the end of 2021 (before making Mrs. Nu's House ). Phuong Anh Dao was "chosen" by Tran Thanh himself for the female lead role in this new film, after the process of "looking for Mai" through many rounds of selection, he was able to meet the most suitable person. He shared: "Phuong Anh Dao is talented, diverse in acting and truly has a deep, sincere inner self to portray this difficult role".
Although Phuong Anh Dao is not yet well-known to the general public, she is not a new face in the Vietnamese cinema industry. Her real name is Dao Phuong Anh, born in 1992 in a family of small traders, no one in the arts in Ganh Hao Town (Bac Lieu), graduated from the University of Theater and Cinema in Ho Chi Minh City in 2014. She has appeared in important leading and supporting roles in many films shown in theaters such as: Closing Her Eyes to See Summer (won the Best Actress award at the Hanoi International Film Festival in 2018), Invisible Evidence, My Husband, Faceless Murderer, Occupy (currently showing in theaters), Glorious Ashes (the film just received the Golden Lotus award at the 2023 Vietnam Film Festival)...
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