TPO - In the last 10 days of August, the weather in Ho Chi Minh City and the South will generally have scattered showers and thunderstorms, with the possibility of moderate to heavy rain in some places.
According to the National Center for Hydro-Meteorological Forecasting, the weather in the Southern region today is cloudy, sunny during the day, with showers and thunderstorms in some places in the evening and at night. The lowest temperature is from 24 - 27 degrees Celsius, the highest is from 32 - 35 degrees Celsius.
It is forecasted that in the first days of the week, the Southern region will have scattered showers and thunderstorms in the late afternoon and evening. On the evening of August 20, there will be scattered showers and thunderstorms, and sunny days.
In the following days, the weather in the area will continue to have showers and thunderstorms in some places, with scattered showers and thunderstorms in the late afternoon and evening. Thunderstorms are likely to cause tornadoes, lightning and strong gusts of wind.
In the last 10 days of August, the weather in Ho Chi Minh City and the South will generally have scattered showers and thunderstorms, with the possibility of moderate to heavy rain in some places. (Illustration: Pham Nguyen) |
According to the weather forecast for Ho Chi Minh City this week, the Southern Hydrometeorological Station said that the area is mainly affected by the southwest monsoon with medium intensity. Above, the subtropical high pressure with a horizontal axis across the Central - Southern region continues to maintain, gradually lifting the axis to the North over the weekend.
The weather in Ho Chi Minh City area is generally scattered showers and thunderstorms, with the possibility of moderate to heavy rain in some places. Beware of tornadoes, lightning, local heavy rain and strong gusts of wind during thunderstorms. Total rainfall is approximately the average of many years (TBNN) for the same period, commonly from 80 - 130mm.
“Thunderstorms may cause tornadoes, lightning, and strong gusts of wind. Beware of heavy rain causing localized flooding in low-lying areas,” the Southern Hydrometeorological Station noted.
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