TPO - The Department of Education and Training of Ho Chi Minh City believes that randomly selecting subjects that are not in the orientation will cause psychological shock and stress before the exam. Foreign language as the third subject in the 10th grade exam helps students stabilize their psychology, in line with their career orientation goals.
TPO - The Department of Education and Training of Ho Chi Minh City believes that randomly selecting subjects that are not in the orientation will cause psychological shock and stress before the exam. Foreign language as the third subject in the 10th grade exam helps students stabilize their psychology, in line with their career orientation goals.
The Department of Education and Training of Ho Chi Minh City has just issued a document giving its second comments on a number of contents proposed to amend and supplement the Regulations on Secondary School and High School Admissions of the Ministry of Education and Training.
Make sure not to shock students
The Department of Education and Training of Ho Chi Minh City cited that the regulations stipulate that the third subject for the 10th grade exam is selected by the Department of Education and Training and the higher education institution. The selection of the third subject for the 10th grade exam has changed over the years and will be announced before March 31.
The Department believes that the decision on the third subject for the 10th grade entrance exam must ensure that it does not affect psychological issues, the review process, and the choice of subjects at high school level of students.
The Department cited that with the 2018 General Education Program, high school has 6 compulsory subjects including Literature, Mathematics, Foreign Language, Physical Education, National Defense and Security Education, and History. Of which, foreign language is compulsory for students to study throughout grade 3 to grade 12.
Students taking the 10th grade entrance exam in Ho Chi Minh City. Photo: Duy Anh |
For the remaining subjects including Natural Sciences (Physics, Chemistry, Biology), History, Geography, Technology and Information Technology, when entering high school, students can choose not to study them for the entire 3 years of study, depending on their career orientation.
Therefore, randomly selecting subjects other than math and literature leads to students having to take exams in subjects that are not in their orientation, thereby causing psychological "shock" and stress before the exam for them.
According to the Department of Education and Training of Ho Chi Minh City, choosing a foreign language as the third subject ensures psychological stability and is consistent with the career orientation goals of all students. At the same time, choosing a foreign language meets the goal of gradually making English the second language in schools.
Delegate the initiative to the Department of Exam Organization
The Department of Education and Training of Ho Chi Minh City also suggested that each locality should be allowed to decide when to announce the benchmark scores based on the local admission characteristics, ensuring the rights of candidates and in accordance with the opening schedule of the Ministry of Education and Training.
This helps localities proactively adjust their enrollment plans to suit the conditions and actual needs of the region. Avoid the situation where a candidate is admitted to many schools and many types at the same time, causing an imbalance in the enrollment quotas of the schools.
The Department of Education and Training of Ho Chi Minh City suggested that the Ministry of Education and Training should give the departments the initiative to organize the 10th grade exam. Photo: Duy Anh |
At the same time, this also creates conditions for high schools to proactively prepare facilities and personnel appropriate to the actual number of students. Ensuring fairness in enrollment and optimizing the allocation of students according to their wishes and abilities.
The Department of Education and Training of Ho Chi Minh City also proposed that it is necessary to issue a unified national regulation on junior high school and high school admissions. This regulation will be the basis for the Department of Education and Training to develop admission regulations suitable for their localities.
This helps the admission of junior high and high school students to become more public, transparent and meet the requirements of society; especially in the 2025-2026 school year, the first year of organizing the 10th grade entrance exam according to the 2018 general education program.
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