Accordingly, the Ho Chi Minh City People's Committee said that recently, the locality has received many recommendations and feedback from project investors and tenants, buyers, and rent-purchasers of social housing related to the confirmation of housing status.
According to Circular 09/2021 of the Ministry of Construction, the People's Committee of the commune where the permanent or temporary residence has been registered for one year or more shall confirm the housing status and whether or not they have received housing or land support according to Form No. 3 and Form No. 4 in Appendix I issued with the Circular. Confirmed cases include:
No housing owned by the household; Having a house but it is cramped, with an average floor area of less than 10m2/person; Having a house but it is damaged or dilapidated; Having a house but the frame, walls, roof and land area of the house are damaged and the land area of the house is lower than the minimum area standard for renovation and construction according to regulations of the Provincial People's Committee; Having residential land in the locality where the permanent residence is registered and the land area is suitable for the construction planning according to regulations of the Provincial People's Committee; Having a house but it is subject to clearance when the State reclaims the land and Having a house attached to the land when the State reclaims the land and having to move and having no other place to live in the place where the land is reclaimed and has not been compensated for the house and resettlement land.
Ho Chi Minh City is facing many problems in the process of developing social housing.
Currently, many people when requesting confirmation declare "No house owned by the household". But in reality, many cases of the Commune People's Committee do not carry out confirmation according to the form because they think that the commune only confirms whether people own a house or not at the house where they are permanently residing or temporarily residing in the area managed by the Commune People's Committee or in some cases only confirms the signature or only confirms that people commit and take responsibility for themselves.
Thus, the above confirmation by the People's Committee at the commune level does not ensure compliance with the requirements specified in Form No. 3 and Form No. 4 of Appendix I issued with Circular 09. In case of requiring confirmation according to the correct form, it will cause difficulties for the People's Committee at the commune level and cause congestion in processing the application for approval of beneficiaries of social housing policies.
Therefore, the Ho Chi Minh City People's Committee recommends that the Ministry of Construction provide guidance on the confirmation of the above content or accept confirmation from the commune-level People's Committee on the content of where the person concerned is permanently residing or temporarily residing and who owns the house.
Another option is to only confirm the signature, and make the person responsible before the law for the information provided by the person. In case of false declaration, the information will be revoked according to the Housing Law to create conditions for those with housing difficulties to enjoy social housing policies.
Regarding the content of confirming household members, the Ho Chi Minh City People's Committee proposed that the Ministry of Construction study and provide guidance in the direction of defining a household as only including father, mother, and minor children. This is to create conditions for cases with housing difficulties to enjoy social housing policies.
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