Through inspection, the number of potentially dangerous trees mentioned above is located on 35 streets in Hai Duong city such as An Dinh, Hoang Ngan, Pham Van Dong, Hoang Quoc Viet... This is the 5th urban tree pruning campaign since the beginning of the year, with the goal of minimizing the situation of broken and fallen trees.
Previously in August 2024, the company also completed pruning and trimming 1,139 urban trees in Hai Duong city. The above trees all have large trunks, wide and heavy foliage, mainly along 26 streets and some public spaces in the inner city such as 3 parks in the north, south and Bach Dang; on Thanh Nien, Tran Hung Dao, Duc Minh, Hoang Hoa Tham, An Thai streets...
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