In folk medicine, the ginseng plant is widely used in medicine and helps treat many different diseases. One of the characteristics of ginseng is its bitter taste like bile.
Characteristics of Tongkat Ali
Tongkat Ali is a native plant in Southeast Asia, widely distributed in Vietnam, Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia. All components of Tongkat Ali have high medicinal properties and good applications in medicine, so Tongkat Ali gradually became widely known and became a famous precious medicinal plant.
In our country, the tree grows a lot in the Central, Southeast and Central Highlands provinces. The tree prefers to live in mountainous areas with an altitude of less than 1000 meters or midland areas, or low-altitude hills.
In terms of characteristics, Tongkat Ali, scientific name Eurycoma longifolia, belongs to the Simaroubaceae family and is a slender woody plant that lives in the low forest floor, on gravelly soil. The entire plant has hairs, and the bark is grayish-white or ivory-yellow.
The tree has an average size of about 10m. However, the growth of Euryale is concentrated in the roots, which can account for 80% of the tree's mass. The root system has many small roots, is yellow-brown and ivory-white in color, and has a fragrant smell.
Compound leaves, with about 20-40 leaves growing symmetrically, can be up to 1m long; in which the leaflets are about 5-20cm long, about 6cm wide. In the leaf axils, there are bisexual, soft flowers, growing in clusters, red, with many fine hairs. The fruit is small, ovoid, containing a hard seed, green when young and reddish brown when ripe.
Euryale flowers around March - April, and bears fruit in May - June. Except for the flowers, all parts of the plant, including the leaves, fruit, stem, bark, and roots, are used as medicine. Of which, the roots are the most used part.
Image of Tongkat Ali plant.
Uses of Tongkat Ali
In terms of uses, the Euryale plant is being widely used in a number of treatment drugs. According to some studies, the medicinal ingredients in the Euryale plant help stimulate beta cells in the adrenal glands to produce more insulin. In addition, Euryale also has the ability to slow down the absorption of sugar from the intestine into the blood, increasing insulin sensitivity to help prevent increased blood sugar better.
Not only that, the extract from the bark of the Euryale tree has the effect of preventing malaria parasites from entering the body. The Euryale tree has chemical components to treat malaria equivalent to chloroquine tablets to treat malaria.
Effective antibacterial and anti-inflammatory compounds are also found in Euryale, which helps heal cirrhosis of the liver and heal damage in the stomach. Helps stimulate appetite and improve the digestive system, effective antibacterial.
Not only that, extracts from the roots and stems of the Tongkat Ali plant increase serum testosterone levels, improving male fertility. Strengthening muscles, reducing stress and restoring vitality are also some of the outstanding effects of Tongkat Ali.
Instructions for using Tongkat Ali
Wash and dry the fruit and leaves. Cut the roots, stems, and bark into small pieces and dry them. Store in a cool, dry place to avoid mold.
There are many ways to use Euryale every day: soak in alcohol, soak in honey wax, boil in water to drink, grind into powder or cook Euryale extract...
• Euryale soaked in wine: 1 kg of Euryale soaked in 5-7 liters of white wine for about 1 month before use.
• Boil the water of the ginseng plant to drink: 15 grams of ginseng with 1.5 liters of water, boil for about 15 minutes. Filter the water to drink. Can soak with wild banana seeds or artichoke flowers to reduce the bitterness of the ginseng.
• Or use Japanese energy drink Lipovitan Tongkat Ali: can, 250 ml, with Tongkat Ali extract and high vitamin and nutrient content to help increase energy instantly, as well as restore vitality.
Japanese energy drink Lipovitan Tongkat Ali.
Some notes when using ginseng
Euryale is called the “all-disease” plant, however, in reality there is no medicine that can cure all diseases, the important thing is to use the right medicine for the right person, the right disease. Pregnant or breastfeeding women and children should not use Euryale.
Fresh Tongkat Ali on the market has many risks regarding quality, can cause cancer, poisoning and endanger life. Therefore, consumers should choose products with Tongkat Ali extract, with clear origin, for example Japanese energy drink Lipovitan Tongkat Ali, with advanced technology to help the use of Tongkat Ali extract is safe for users.
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