DNVN - According to local media on September 26, Russian President Vladimir Putin affirmed in his speech at the Russian Energy Week that Russia will continue to strengthen cooperation with other members of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries and its partners (OPEC+), as well as countries participating in the Gas Exporting Countries Forum (GECF).
President Putin said: "Russia is fully fulfilling its obligations to supply energy resources to the global market. We play a stabilizing role in this market, participating in prestigious frameworks such as OPEC+ and GECF."
Mr. Putin also said that domestic enterprises have changed their strategy for exporting oil, oil products and coal. He noted that the Asia-Pacific region now accounts for more than 60% of Russia's energy exports, while oil and gas products supplied to friendly countries account for more than 90%.
President Putin also stressed that Russia's gas industry is undergoing major changes. According to him, these changes include not only a shift in exports from the West to the East but also a significant increase in supplies to the domestic market.
Hung Le (t/h)
Source: https://doanhnghiepvn.vn/quoc-te/tong-thong-putin-nga-se-tiep-tuc-hop-tac-voi-cac-thanh-vien-khac-trong-opec/20240927082611717
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