With the majority of National Assembly deputies in favor (89.77%), on November 27, the National Assembly voted to pass the National Assembly Resolution on investment policy for the National Target Program on Cultural Development for the 2025-2035 period.
The general objective of the investment policy of the National Target Program on Cultural Development for the period 2025-2035 is to create a strong and comprehensive change in cultural development and to build and perfect the personality, ethical standards, identity, bravery, and value system of Vietnamese people and families. Improve the spiritual life, access to and enjoyment of culture, the need for exercise and entertainment of the people, narrow the gap in cultural enjoyment between regions, areas, social classes, and genders, thereby improving labor productivity and work efficiency. Mobilize the participation of all organizations, individuals and communities in managing, protecting and promoting the value of the nation's cultural heritage.
In addition, mobilizing resources, focusing on key, quality and effective investments for cultural development, directly contributing to socio-economic development, promoting cultural industries to become important components of the national economy. Building professional, high-quality cultural and artistic human resources with political will to serve domestic needs and towards meeting foreign markets. Promoting the national, scientific and popular character of culture through investment to preserve traditional national culture, building a grassroots cultural environment, in which the people are the creative subjects, the intellectuals and artists play an important role. Focusing on international integration and absorbing the quintessence of human culture, building an advanced culture with strong national identity, promoting the soft power of Vietnamese culture.
Regarding the specific goals, by 2030, 9 specific groups of goals will be achieved, including: (1) The system of cultural values, the system of human values, and the system of Vietnamese family values will be implemented nationwide through codes of conduct; (2) Striving for 100% of provincial-level administrative units to have all 3 types of provincial-level cultural institutions (Cultural Centers or Cultural-Sports Centers, Museums, Libraries); 80% of district-level administrative units to have standard Cultural-Sports Centers; ensuring effective operation of grassroots cultural institutions at the commune and village levels; (3) Striving to complete the restoration and embellishment of 95% of special national relics (about 120 relics) and 70% of national relics (about 2,500 relics); (4) Striving for cultural industries to contribute 7% of the country's GDP; (5) Strive for 100% of cultural and artistic units to be computerized, digitally transformed, and apply achievements of the 4th Industrial Revolution; (6) Strive for 100% of students in the national education system to access and participate in art education and cultural heritage education activities; (7) 90% of talented artists, civil servants, and public employees in the field of culture and arts to be trained, fostered, and improve their professional skills and expertise; (8) Outstanding, high-quality literary, artistic, cinematic, and literary and artistic works and criticisms are supported for creation, publication, and dissemination; (9) Every year, there are at least 5 major international cultural and artistic events abroad with the official participation of Vietnam.
By 2035, 9 specific target groups will be achieved, including: (1) Strive for 100% of localities to include the content of ethics education, lifestyle, and family values in the new period into the village, clan, community, and commune conventions and support effective implementation; (2) 100% of libraries in the library network meet the conditions for establishment and ensure operating conditions according to the provisions of the Library Law; (3) Strive to complete the restoration and embellishment of 100% of special national monuments and at least 80% of national monuments; (4) Strive for cultural industries to contribute 8% of the country's GDP; (5) Complete the National Digital Library, build smart libraries, expand connections, and integrate data with libraries in the Vietnamese and international library network; (6) 85% of educational institutions nationwide have enough classrooms for the subjects of Music, Fine Arts, and Arts; (7) 100% of talented artists, civil servants and public employees in the field of culture and arts are provided with access to, trained, fostered and improved professional skills and expertise; (8) Every year, there are 10-15 national cultural and artistic works and projects on national history, history of revolutionary struggles and the country's renovation process; (9) Every year, there are at least 06 major international cultural and artistic events abroad with the official participation of Vietnam.
Regarding the budget for implementing the Program, the Resolution stipulates that the total capital for the 2025 - 2030 period must be at least: 122,250 billion VND. Of which: Central budget capital: 77,000 billion VND (accounting for 63%), including development investment capital of 50,000 billion VND, public service capital of 27,000 billion VND; Local budget capital: 30,250 billion VND (accounting for 24.6%); and Other capital sources: estimated at about 15,000 billion VND (accounting for 12.4%).
During the operation, the Government continues to balance the central budget to prioritize additional support for the Program in accordance with actual conditions and has appropriate solutions to mobilize all legal capital sources for implementation. Based on the implementation results of the Program for the 2025-2030 period, the Government submits to the National Assembly for decision on resources to implement the Program for the 2031-2035 period.
Source: https://daidoanket.vn/tong-nguon-von-thuc-hien-chuong-trinh-muc-tieu-quoc-gia-ve-phat-trien-van-hoa-giai-doan-2025-2030-toi-thieu-la-122-250-ty-dong-10295358.html
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