In the past 9 months, Thang Binh District Social Policy Bank has disbursed allocated capital quickly and promptly to the people; strengthened interest collection according to monthly receipts, reaching more than 100% of the interest receivable; continued to do a good job of credit quality management, overdue debt decreased by 156 million VND compared to 2023.
The Board of Directors of the District Social Policy Bank has exceeded the target of the "Savings for the Poor" Week, mobilizing more than 15 billion VND in the peak month, increasing the balance of mobilized savings through residential savings by 20.7 billion VND, reaching 130% of the assigned target.
Total lending turnover in 9 months was 225.7 billion VND, debt collection was 137 billion VND; bringing the total outstanding debt to 923 billion VND, outstanding debt increased by 88.5 billion VND compared to the beginning of the year; growth rate of 10.6% compared to 2023, higher than the average of the whole province (7.2%). The assessment results of the quality of operations of the Thang Binh District Transaction Office up to September 2024 were classified as good, ranking first in the province.
Source: https://baoquangnam.vn/thang-binh-tong-du-no-tin-dung-chinh-sach-dat-923-ty-dong-3142514.html
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