On the morning of July 24, at Brigade 683, the General Department of Logistics held the opening ceremony of the 2023 Ethnic Knowledge Training Class in the Central region.
Overview of the ethnic knowledge training class. |
Delegates attending the opening ceremony. |
Major General Nguyen Van Cuong, member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee, Deputy Commissar of the General Department of Logistics attended and delivered the opening speech. Also attending were Colonel Tran Van Dinh, Deputy Chief of Politics of the General Department of Logistics; Colonel Tran Van Lieu, Secretary of the Party Committee, Commissar of the Department of Transport.
At the training course, cadres will be introduced to 6 topics, including comprehensive content on ethnic issues and ethnic work. Speaking at the opening of the training course, Major General Nguyen Van Cuong, Deputy Commissar of the General Department of Logistics, emphasized that the purpose of the training course is to help cadres at all levels grasp the Party's guidelines, viewpoints, and policies, and the State's laws and policies on ethnic work, as a basis for concretizing them into work programs and plans according to the functions and tasks of each agency and unit, contributing to the entire Party and the entire people effectively implementing the goals set by the Government.
Major General Nguyen Van Cuong requested the Organizing Committee to maintain the course content and program as approved; ensure quality, effectiveness and absolute safety in all aspects. The ethnic knowledge training course will close on the afternoon of July 25.
News and photos: KIM NGAN
*Please visit the National Defense and Security section to see related news and articles.
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