Referring to this issue, General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong said that over the past 10 years, our country has developed and achieved many important results and achievements, increasingly demonstrating the superiority of our regime.
The economy, culture and society have developed more stably and harmoniously. The material and spiritual life of people in all regions of the country has been improved. Vietnam is a leading country in poverty reduction, implementing the Millennium Development Goals and the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations.
Social policies are constantly being improved, gradually improving the quality and level of support, expanding coverage in a fair and progressive direction, approaching international standards, basically ensuring people's social security according to the provisions of the Constitution; implementing well preferential policies and honoring people with meritorious services.
The labor market institution has been gradually improved. Employment for workers is basically guaranteed. The health care, education, social security and assistance systems continue to be improved and expanded.

The scale, capacity and quality of basic and essential social services have been improved. The work of protecting, caring for and improving people's health has been increasingly improved. Resources for implementing social policies have been given priority investment by the State, associated with promoting socialization and attracting the participation of the whole society...
To achieve the goals and tasks set out by the 13th National Party Congress, General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong requested that the Central Committee focus on discussing and clarifying, creating high consensus on the assessment and assessment of the situation, causes and lessons learned; the necessity and correctness of issuing a new Resolution of the Central Committee on this particularly important issue.
From there, analyze and forecast scientifically the new situation, requirements and tasks; clearly identify viewpoints, guiding ideas, goals, tasks and main solutions to continue to innovate and improve the quality and effectiveness of social policies to better meet the people's legitimate requirements and aspirations in the new period.
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