Of which, the provincial level received 7,744 applications (6,489 applications were resolved, of which 6,488 applications were resolved before and on time, reaching 99.99%); 5,402 applications were received and processed online.
District level received 21,040 records, of which 10,935 were processed (9,250 records were processed within the deadline, reaching 90.86%); 11,371 records were received and processed online.
Commune level received 13,636 records, of which 12,187 were processed (11,963 records were processed on time and before deadline); 11,321 records were received and processed online.
As of January 22, 2025, there were 987 administrative procedures providing full online public services integrated on the National Public Service Portal; 14 administrative procedures providing partial online public services and 875 administrative procedures implemented in other forms.
Online public services on the National Public Service Portal, Quang Nam province achieved 7.5/12 points, a rate of 62.5% (the national average score is 6.6/12 points). Of which, the rate of online application submission in the province reached 50.82%.
Online payment on the National Public Service Portal, Quang Nam achieved 4.5/10 points, rate of 45% (the national average score is 4.1/10 points).
The results of digitizing records and handling administrative procedures (data up to January 22, 2025) on the National Public Service Portal, Quang Nam achieved 15.2/22 points, a rate of 69.1% (the national average score is 12.7/22 points).
According to the ranking results of the Index under Decision No. 766 dated June 23, 2022 of the Prime Minister, as of January 22, 2025, Quang Nam achieved 70.61/100 points.
Source: https://baoquangnam.vn/toan-tinh-quang-nam-tiep-nhan-42-420-ho-so-thu-tuc-hanh-chinh-trong-thang-1-2025-3148543.html
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