On the afternoon of December 22, the International Scientific Conference "Solving the relationship between restoration and conservation of cultural heritage and socio-economic development: Viewed from regional and local governance" continued with a thematic session on: International experience, Vietnam and Ninh Binh province in managing the relationship between restoration and conservation of cultural heritage and socio-economic development.
Comrades: Associate Professor, Dr. Doan Minh Huan, Member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of the Ninh Binh Provincial Party Committee; Associate Professor, Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Ha, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the Communist Magazine; Pham Quang Ngoc, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Ninh Binh Provincial People's Committee; Prof. Dr. People's Teacher Nguyen Quang Ngoc, Vice President of the Vietnam Historical Science Association chaired the thematic session.

The workshop listened to the sharing of experiences from international scientists and experts from Australia, Italy, Japan, UNESCO, the Southeast Asia Underground Cultural Heritage Conservation Fund... addressing the following issues: The importance of sharing methods of heritage restoration and conservation, using heritage as a means of stimulating economic development; experiences in preserving cultural heritage in Venice, Italy, especially the challenges in preserving heritage with tourism development, how to protect historical values while still effectively exploiting economic values. These are experiences that Ninh Binh province as well as localities with heritage can learn from; relics need to be thoroughly investigated and researched to clarify the scope, conduct excavation investigations, record the investigation and publish reports, aiming to use relics and develop the local economy based on scientific investigations and research; Propose solutions to promote the historical value of Ninh Binh province and historical figures, emphasizing education and increasing understanding of historical traditions for people, especially the young generation as well as domestic and international tourists; combine scientific research with tourism and popular culture to attract the attention of the scientific community; compare the heritage system of Ninh Binh with the contemporary heritage system of Southeast Asia...

Opinions of domestic experts and scientists mentioned the following issues: Balancing and harmonizing heritage conservation, restoration and socio-economic development, shifting from a physical heritage conservation approach to a comprehensive, sustainable, community-centered approach and based on UNESCO standards and tools will effectively support localities in the process of sustainable development; the conservation and restoration process must preserve the unique, globally prominent features that make up world heritage as well as the integrity and authenticity of heritage, avoiding mass and dissemination; the role of museums and the application of technology in preserving cultural heritage...
Speaking at the Workshop, Prof. Dr. Phung Huu Phu, former member of the Party Central Committee, former Vice Chairman of the Central Theoretical Council, stated: Through the Workshop, the extremely valuable cultural values of Ninh Binh province and the process of the Party Committee, government, and people of Ninh Binh restoring and preserving cultural heritage with socio-economic development have been clarified and deepened. From the perspective of local governance, Ninh Binh has been very successful in combining and promoting the strength of the subjects (the role of Party committees, government, enterprises, organizations, and people), successfully restoring and preserving cultural heritage, successfully exploiting the potentials, advantages, and resources of development. Thereby creating new values, which are the identity of Ninh Binh, the identity of the Ancient Capital, including values of international stature.
Reality shows that culture is an endogenous resource, a development resource that Ninh Binh province has vividly demonstrated. To strive to become a millennium urban heritage, Ninh Binh still has a lot to do, it needs a new approach from regional governance; how to take the strength, take the cultural values of Ninh Binh and blend them with the cultural values of the Red River Delta to create new cultural values, elevate Ninh Binh culture. Ninh Binh is facing a new opportunity when it has a full legal and political basis as well as the cultural potential of the Red River Delta is extremely rich. If we can do the work of linking cultural heritages, linking the restoration and preservation process with the entire cultural network, Ninh Binh culture will take off and fly even further...

At the workshop, the opinions of representatives of some enterprises in Ninh Binh raised issues from the practice of restoring and preserving cultural heritage and socio-economic development: Xuan Truong Construction Enterprise has identified the goal of "taking the happiness of the people" in restoring and preserving heritage, helping to improve the lives of local people in heritage areas; paying attention to embellishing and preserving historical relics; the determination of local Party committees, authorities and enterprises is the driving force to help enterprises make more efforts in the journey of restoring and preserving cultural heritage. This workshop has inspired enterprises a lot.
Ngoi Sao Private Enterprise has raised a number of issues that need attention in developing community tourism in Ninh Binh: tourism products are still monotonous; there are not many special forms of living, farming and production; resources in developing community tourism are still limited; environmental pollution; the decline of traditional culture; tourism is still spontaneous; policies to encourage community tourism development are still lacking and not synchronized; local people have not received many benefits from tourism development...
In his concluding remarks at the Workshop, Associate Professor Dr. Doan Minh Huan, Member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of the Ninh Binh Provincial Party Committee, affirmed that the Workshop was a great success. In addition to the Organizing Committee receiving 73 presentations before the Workshop, there were also 22 presentations online and directly presented at the Workshop that approached different aspects in solving the relationship between restoration, conservation of cultural heritage and socio-economic development.
On behalf of the agencies co-chairing the Workshop, Ninh Binh province would like to acknowledge and thank the experts and scientists for their affection for Ninh Binh. I would like to receive all the enthusiastic, good and valuable opinions, focusing on policy recommendations as well as suggesting issues that Ninh Binh needs to pay attention to such as: removing bottlenecks in thinking and awareness, removing bottlenecks in mechanisms and policies, creating breakthroughs when solving thinking, awareness and mechanisms in implementing heritage conservation and promotion; regarding regional and local governance, what should the provinces in the region do to connect the region in preserving cultural heritage; promoting the role of the community in the process of restoring, preserving cultural heritage and developing socio-economy; promoting the role of the subjects: State, enterprises, community in restoring, preserving and promoting the value of cultural heritage associated with socio-economic development; The restoration of the relics has paid attention to the protection of the existing landscape of Ninh Binh, creating a difference from other localities, restoring heritage roads as events; suggesting not only the restoration of architecture, but also suggesting the restoration of rituals, costumes, hats and shirts of the Dinh-Le dynasty...
The dedicated and responsible opinions at the Workshop contributed to serving the strategy of restoring, preserving cultural heritage and developing the socio-economy of Ninh Binh province more systematically, promoting cultural development in the spirit of the National Cultural Conference.
Phan Hieu - Hong Van - Minh Quang
⇒ International scientific conference "Resolving the relationship between restoration, conservation of cultural heritage and socio-economic development: View from regional and local governance"
⇒ Workshop on thematic session: General awareness and practice in solving the relationship between restoration, conservation of cultural heritage and socio-economic development: Viewed from regional and local governance
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