Poppy Vincent, a dog, just "married" Milo the Cavapoochon, a social media influencer in the UK in February. The extravagant wedding ceremony was held at the castle on the Orchardleigh Estate in Somerset.
Orchardleigh Castle was inaugurated in 1485, dating back 540 years. The ceremony between Poppy and Milo took place with the presence of hundreds of guests and their pets.
The couple's love was also very coincidental when Poppy's owner posted an advertisement saying that her dog's heart was very lonely and was looking for an ideal partner.
Out of a number of candidates, Poppy chose Milo, a dog with more than 14,000 followers on Instagram. The two families spent months preparing for the lavish wedding.
At Orchardleigh Castle, the couple had their dream wedding. The main course of the wedding was an outdoor BBQ, which delighted many of the "tailed guests". The big day ended with the happy couple's first dance, followed by a photo session at the estate's Palladian Lakeside Boathouse.
Poppy and Milo's wedding comes amid a growing trend for pet-friendly weddings in the UK, with surveys showing that 36% of couples want their dog to have a part in their big day.
Not only is Orchardleigh Estate a popular wedding venue for wealthy couples, it has also become a destination for social media influencer dogs.
TB (summary)Source: https://baohaiduong.vn/to-chuc-dam-cuoi-cho-cho-trong-lau-dai-540-tuoi-406418.html
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