After the merger, the provincial and municipal Party Committees directly under the Central Government must complete documents, prepare and organize the Party Congress for the 2025-2030 term before October 31.
On March 20, the Central Steering Committee on summarizing the implementation of Resolution No. 18 on continuing to innovate and reorganize the political system to be streamlined and operate effectively and efficiently (Steering Committee) issued Official Dispatch No. 43 on the Plan to continue to reorganize the political system.
After completing the merger of administrative units, the Steering Committee requested that provincial and municipal Party Committees directly under the Central Government appoint delegates to attend the provincial and municipal Party Congresses for the 2025-2030 term.
" Complete documents, preparations and organization of provincial and municipal party congresses for the 2025-2030 term (to be completed before October 31) ," the dispatch stated.
After reorganization, the provincial and municipal Party Committees directly under the Central Government need to establish and decide on the functions, tasks, and organizational structure of specialized agencies to advise and assist the provincial and municipal Party Committees. Lead and direct the establishment and decision on the functions, tasks, and organizational structure of specialized agencies under the provincial and municipal People's Committees.
The Steering Committee requests provincial and municipal Party Committees to lead and direct the establishment and decide on the functions and tasks of the Vietnam Fatherland Front agencies of provinces and cities.
Localities shall lead and direct the arrangement and assignment of cadres, civil servants, public employees, and workers; arrange headquarters, equipment, and conditions to ensure service for the work of Party committees, authorities, the Fatherland Front, and functional agencies of the province and city before July 15.
At the same time, party organizations, party committee cadres of party agencies, party committees of People's Committees, military and police, party committees in places with special characteristics directly under provincial and municipal party committees must also complete the restructuring.
The Steering Committee also requested provincial and municipal Party Committees to coordinate with the Central Organizing Committee in advising the Politburo to appoint delegates of the Party Committee (after the merger) to attend the 14th National Congress of the Party; appoint the executive committee, standing committee, secretary, deputy secretary, members of the inspection committee, chairman, deputy chairman of the inspection committee of the Party Committee of the commune, ward, and special zone for the 2025-2030 term in sync with preparing personnel for the People's Council of the commune, ward, and special zone for the 2026-2031 term.
For provincial and municipal Party Committees directly under the Central Committee (before the arrangement), the Steering Committee requests coordination with the Central Organizing Committee in advising the Politburo to appoint the executive committee, standing committee, secretary, deputy secretary, members of the inspection committee, chairman, and deputy chairman of the inspection committee of provincial Party Committees (after the arrangement) for the 2020-2025 term.
Provincial and municipal Party Committees directly under the Central Committee (before the reorganization) need to coordinate with provincial and municipal Party Committees (which have been approved by the Central Executive Committee in principle for the merger) to prepare draft documents of provincial and municipal Party Committees (after the merger) and preparations for organizing the provincial and municipal Party Congresses (after the merger) for the 2025-2030 term.
Before June 30, the Steering Committee requires provincial and municipal Party Committees to complete the arrangement and assignment of cadres of agencies and units under the Party, government, and Fatherland Front at the commune level; prepare personnel for Party Committees, Standing Committees, Secretaries, Deputy Secretaries, Inspection Committees, Chairmen, and Deputy Chairmen of Inspection Committees, People's Councils, People's Committees, and the Fatherland Front; establish and decide on the functions, tasks, and working regulations of specialized advisory and support agencies.
According to the Steering Committee, the organization of the Party Congresses of communes, wards and special zones for the 2025-2030 term must be completed before August 31.
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