According to information in Quang Ninh Newspaper, after 2 years of construction, Thanh Cong Viet Hung Automobile Factory (under TC Group ) is focusing on completing the final items. Specifically, the main items of the factory are basically completed, including: Welding, painting, assembly, electromechanical workshop system and auxiliary works such as LPG station, compressed air station, test track... The quality control functional areas have completed the test run in early May 2024. For equipment items, construction has reached over 90% of the total volume and will be completed next October to move to the trial operation phase and will officially produce the first batches of cars at the end of 2024, supplying the market in 2025. According to the plan, in the first phase of operation, the factory will assemble SUV and B-class Sedan segments. In the next phase, it will expand to electric vehicles. 
In the first 8 months of 2024, TC Motor's Hyundai car sales reached 34,400 vehicles, a slight decrease compared to 35,200 vehicles in the same period. Previously, in 2023, TC Group sold a total of 67,450 Hyundai-branded vehicles. In the Top 10 multi-industry private corporations with the largest budget contributions in Vietnam on the PRIVATE 100 list, TC Group ranked 3rd with a budget contribution in 2023 of VND 13,800 billion, only after Vingroup (VND 30,900 billion) and THACO (VND 21,000 billion).
Source: Quang Ninh Newspaper
Thanh Cong Viet Hung Automobile Factory, invested by Thanh Cong Corporation (TC Group), is built on an area of 36.5 hectares; capacity of 120,000 vehicles/year; designed as a place to manufacture and assemble Skoda brand cars under the investment cooperation program of the leading Czech automobile company with Thanh Cong Group. This is also the first automobile factory project in Quang Ninh. TC Group is a large corporation in the mechanical engineering and automobile assembly industry in Vietnam . It is known that the predecessor of TC Group is Thanh Cong Mechanical Company, established in 1999. In 2008, Thanh Cong Mechanical Company changed its name to Thanh Cong Group Joint Stock Company - the head legal entity of the entire Thanh Cong system. Currently, Thanh Cong Group has a charter capital of 3,500 billion VND with Mr. Nguyen Anh Tuan as Chairman of the Board of Directors. TC Group has been an official partner of Hyundai Motor in distributing, manufacturing and assembling passenger cars in Vietnam since 2009. By mid-2019, Thanh Cong launched TC Motor - the brand representing the entire automobile sector of the Group. In 2009, Thanh Cong Group started investing in an automobile manufacturing and assembly factory project in Ninh Binh. In 2011, Thanh Cong Group's first Hyundai automobile manufacturing factory was inaugurated in Gian Khau Industrial Park, Gia Vien District. By November 2022, Automobile Manufacturing and Assembly Factory No. 2 (HTMV2) was inaugurated, bringing the total capacity of Hyundai automobile manufacturing and assembly factories of Hyundai Thanh Cong Vietnam Joint Venture in Gian Khau Industrial Park to 180,000 vehicles/year, making this joint venture the largest automobile manufacturer in the region of Hyundai Motor.According to
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