Keeping the names of some ministries after the merger and streamlining the internal organization are some of the contents that Permanent Deputy Prime Minister Nguyen Hoa Binh requested ministries and branches to complete the arrangement and streamlining plan.
Deputy Prime Minister Nguyen Hoa Binh, Deputy Head of the Government's Steering Committee on summarizing the implementation of Resolution No. 18-NQ/TW, has just requested Ministers, Heads of ministerial-level agencies, and Government agencies to complete plans to arrange and streamline the organizational apparatus of ministries and branches.
Keep the names of some departments after the merger
According to the Government Steering Committee's plan, regarding the name, the name of the Ministry of Finance will be kept after merging the Ministry of Planning and Investment and the Ministry of Finance.
Keep the name of the Ministry of Home Affairs after merging the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs and the Ministry of Home Affairs.
Keep the name of the Ministry of Construction after merging the Ministry of Transport and the Ministry of Construction.
Keep the name of the Ministry of Science and Technology after merging the Ministry of Information and Communications and the Ministry of Science and Technology.
Retain the name of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism after taking over the state management function of the press from the Ministry of Information and Communications.
Establish the Ministry of Ethnic Minorities and Religions on the basis of the Ethnic Minorities Committee receiving additional functions, tasks, and organization of the state management apparatus on religion from the Ministry of Home Affairs.
Other ministries and branches continue to keep the names as proposed in Report No. 3792-BC/BCSĐCP dated December 31, 2024 of the Government Party Committee.
Specifically including: Ministry of Agriculture and Environment, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Education and Training, Ministry of National Defense, Ministry of Public Security, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Industry and Trade, Government Office, Government Inspectorate, State Bank of Vietnam, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences, Vietnam Television, Voice of Vietnam, Vietnam News Agency.
Accepting the Politburo's opinion on transferring a number of functions, tasks, and organizational structure as follows: Transferring the functions, tasks, and organizational structure of state management of press and publishing from the Ministry of Information and Communications to the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism.
Transfer the task and organization of the state management apparatus on poverty reduction from the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs to the Ministry of Agriculture and Environment.
Transfer the functions, tasks, and organization of the state management apparatus on social protection, children, and prevention and control of social evils from the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs to the Ministry of Health (the function of directing and managing the work of protecting and taking care of the health of central officials of the Central Committee for Protection and Health Care of Central Officials has been transferred to the Central Organizing Committee according to the decision of the Politburo; the task of state management on drug addiction treatment and post-drug addiction treatment management has been transferred to the Ministry of Public Security).
At the same time, the revised adjustment and functions and tasks of the Institute for Economic-Financial Strategy and Policy do not include the functions and tasks of the Central Institute for Economic Management Research (because the Politburo has decided to transfer this Institute to the Central Policy and Strategy Committee).
The activities of the State Capital Management Committee at Enterprises will end; 18 corporations and general companies currently under the management of this Committee will be transferred to the Ministry of Finance; MobiFone Telecommunications Corporation will be transferred to the Ministry of Public Security (the Party organization of the Corporation will be transferred to be directly under the Central Public Security Party Committee).
In the immediate future, the Ministry of Finance will preside over and coordinate with the State Capital Management Committee at Enterprises to develop a plan to receive the original functions, tasks and personnel of the State Capital Management Committee at Enterprises to manage these 18 corporations and general companies.
The Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry of National Defense coordinate in performing the task of protecting national security.
Regarding the adjustment of some functions and tasks between the Ministry of Public Security and some related ministries and branches, the Government Steering Committee proposed to transfer the task of state management of drug addiction treatment and post-treatment management from the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs to the Ministry of Public Security.
Transfer the task of state management of judicial records and implementation of public services of issuing Judicial Records Certificates from the Ministry of Justice to the Ministry of Public Security.
Transfer the task of testing and granting road motor vehicle driving licenses from the Ministry of Transport to the Ministry of Public Security.
Transfer the state management task of network information security and safety from the Ministry of Information and Communications to the Ministry of Public Security.
Regarding the task of state management of immigration, the Government Steering Committee assigned the Ministry of Public Security to preside over the development, collection, updating, exploitation and sharing of information in the National Database on Immigration.
Regarding the task of ensuring aviation security, the Government Steering Committee assigned the Ministry of Public Security to take the lead in ensuring aviation security at airports and on aircraft.
Regarding the task of ensuring national security in border areas and border gates, the Government Steering Committee assigned the two Ministries of Public Security and National Defense to unify the tasks of presiding over and coordinating, and supplement Decree No. 03/20219/ND-CP of the Government on coordination between the Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry of National Defense in performing the tasks of protecting national security, ensuring social order and safety, fighting and preventing crimes and national defense tasks.
Streamline internal organization
Based on the conclusion of the Politburo, the Government Steering Committee proposed to continue to arrange and streamline the internal organization of a number of ministries and ministerial-level agencies in the direction that the Ministry of Finance reorganizes the General Department of Taxation into the Tax Department (with 12 departments/offices) and reorganizes the Tax Departments of 63 provinces and cities into 20 regional Tax Departments; reorganizes 420 district-level and inter-district Tax Departments into 350 inter-district regional Tax Teams. After the arrangement, it is expected to reduce 1,005/4,141 focal points (24.27%).
Reorganize the General Department of Customs into the Customs Department (with 12 departments/offices) and arrange and restructure 35 regional Customs Departments into 20 regional Customs Sub-Departments; arrange and restructure 181 Customs Sub-Departments into 165 border/outside border Customs Departments, which are team-level organizations. After the arrangement, it is expected to reduce 485/902 focal points (53.77%).
Reorganize the State Treasury (general department level) into the State Treasury, an organization equivalent to the department level (10 departments/offices) and arrange and restructure 63 provincial State Treasuries into 20 regional State Treasuries, which are branch-level organizations. After the arrangement, it is expected to reduce 431/1,049 focal points (41.09%).
Reorganize the General Department of State Reserves into the State Reserve Department (with 7 departments); arrange and restructure 22 regional State Reserves into 15 regional State Reserve Sub-Departments.
Reorganize the General Statistics Office into the General Statistics Office (with 14 units) and arrange and restructure 63 provincial-level Statistical Offices into 63 provincial-level Statistical Offices; arrange and restructure 565 district-level Statistical Offices into 480 Teams operating according to the inter-district model (reducing 15% of focal points).
Reorganize Vietnam Social Security into a public service unit, with 14 departments (reducing 7 units); arrange and restructure internal focal points of 63 provincial-level Social Security into 35 regional Social Security; arrange and restructure 640 district-level Social Security down to 350 inter-district Social Security, eliminate 147 professional groups (reduce 651/1,465 focal points, equivalent to 44.4%).
The Ministry of Construction merged the Department of Construction Economics, the Department of Construction Activities Management of the Ministry of Construction and the Department of Construction Investment Management of the Ministry of Transport into the Department of Construction Economics and Investment Management. The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development merged the School of Agricultural and Rural Development Management into the Vietnam Academy of Agriculture.
The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment merged the School of Training and Fostering of Natural Resources and Environment Officers into the University of Natural Resources and Environment.
The Ministry of Education and Training merged the Department of Primary Education and the Department of Secondary Education into the Department of General Education; at the same time, it took over some additional tasks of the Department of Ethnic Education.
The Ministry of Health ends the operation of the Department of Traditional Medicine and Pharmacy Management and transfers its functions and tasks to specialized units under the Ministry of Health.
The Government Steering Committee requested the Ministry of Health to review and arrange to further reduce the number of focal points, ensuring a minimum reduction of 15-20%.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs merged the Department of Cultural Diplomacy and UNESCO (Ministry of Foreign Affairs), the Department of People's Foreign Affairs (Central Foreign Affairs Commission) and the Department of Foreign Affairs (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) into the Department of Foreign Affairs and Cultural Diplomacy.
The Ministry of Ethnic Minorities and Religions will keep the name of the Government Committee for Religious Affairs to avoid causing major impacts on the operations of agencies and units after the arrangement.
The Ministry of Industry and Trade merged the Department of European-American Markets and the Department of Asian-African Markets into the Department of Foreign Markets.
The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism renamed the Information Technology Center to the Digital Transformation Center for Culture, Sports and Tourism. The Government Office merged the General Department and the Secretariat-Editor Department into the General Department-Secretary.
The Government Steering Committee requested the Government Office to review and further streamline the number of focal points, ensuring a minimum reduction of 15-20%.
The Government Steering Committee also requested the Government Inspectorate to preside over and coordinate with relevant ministries and branches to continue researching, carefully assessing the impact and completing the Project on rearranging the inspection agency system according to streamlined administrative levels, operating effectively and efficiently, and reporting to the Politburo on January 17, 2025.
Complete the restructuring, merger, consolidation and streamlining project immediately
Based on the request of the Politburo meeting on January 10, 2025, the Central Executive Committee will meet on January 23-24, 2025, and the National Assembly is expected to hold a session between February 12-17, 2025.
Based on the plan to reorganize and streamline the Government's apparatus, the Government Steering Committee requests ministries, ministerial-level agencies, and agencies under the Government to complete the Project on restructuring, merging, consolidating, and streamlining the internal apparatus (with a draft decree stipulating the functions, tasks, powers, and organizational structure of their ministries and branches), and send it to the Ministry of Home Affairs before 11:00 a.m. on January 13, 2025.
In the process of reorganizing the apparatus, agencies need to pay attention to doing well the political, ideological, regime and policy work for cadres, ensuring the maintenance and good implementation of regular work, especially during the upcoming Lunar New Year.
For 6 Ministries and sectors: Government Office, Vietnam Television, Vietnam News Agency, Voice of Vietnam, Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, the Government Steering Committee proposes to proactively submit to the Government (or submit to the Ministry managing the sector to submit to the Government for agencies under the Government: Ministry of Science and Technology submits decrees of 2 Academies, Ministry of Information and Communications submits decrees of 2 stations and Vietnam News Agency) to issue decrees regulating the functions, tasks, powers, and organizational structure of their agencies, promptly announcing before January 20, 2025.
For the remaining 14 ministries and branches, including: Ministry of Finance (after merger); Ministry of Construction (after merger); Ministry of Agriculture and Environment; Ministry of Science and Technology (after merger); Ministry of Home Affairs (after merger); Ministry of Ethnic Minorities and Religions; Ministry of Industry and Trade; Ministry of Justice; Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism; Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Ministry of Education and Training; Ministry of Health; State Bank of Vietnam; Government Inspectorate, proactively complete the draft decree stipulating the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of their agencies, submit it to the Government for promulgation immediately after the Party Central Committee has concluded so that after the extraordinary session of the National Assembly, the Government will promulgate the decree stipulating the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of ministries and ministerial-level agencies.
In addition, the Government Steering Committee requested the Ministry of Finance to urgently complete the dossier to amend and supplement the Law on Management and Use of State Capital Invested in Production and Business at Enterprises, and report to the Government for submission to the National Assembly for consideration and approval at the mid-February 2025 Session.
The Government Inspectorate shall preside over and coordinate with relevant ministries and branches to continue researching, carefully assessing the impact and completing the Project on streamlining the inspection agency system according to administrative levels to make it more streamlined, effective and efficient, and report to the Politburo on January 17, 2025./.
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